Vote for Lily Tang Williams on Tuesday, September 10th.

Arlene Quaratiello

Just like Congressional candidate Lily Tang Williams, I also fear that the country that I love — the United States — is becoming too much like the country that she left — China. As a state representative finishing up my first term, I originally ran two years ago due to this fear. It has become increasingly clear to me over the course of my term that our country is at a crossroads and that New Hampshire needs someone like Lily to represent us on the federal level.

Lily supports the strong borders and gun rights that strengthen a nation physically and such issues as free speech and parental rights that strengthen society ideologically.

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None of the other major candidates supports the Second Amendment like Lily does. While neither Vikram Mansharamani nor Bill Hamlen have identified the issue of gun rights as a priority, Lily has been endorsed by Gun Owners of America because she is a stauch defender of the right to bear arms. She fled a tyranny where that right was denied, and she knows what a denial of this right might lead to here.

Lily came from a country where children were considered wards of the state and where free speech was supressed That’s why she defends parental rights and free speech so strongly. She is the defender that New Hampshire needs. She will put her constituents and this country first if she is elected.

Vote for Lily Tang Williams on Tuesday, September 10th

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