Long ago, an unknown Chinese philosopher’s words described the biblical root of liberty that we call Americanism: “The well-being of a people is like a tree, agriculture is its roots, manufacturing, and commerce are its branches and its life; if the roots are injured, the leaves fall, and the branches break away, and the tree dies.”
This “tree” that produces ordered liberty is the fruit of biblical wisdom. Josiah Holland’s words draw a picture of liberty in the process: “God gives every bird its food, but he doesn’t throw it in the nest.” Godly wisdom summed up in a word: self-reliance. Self-reliance weaves fibers of strength into the backbone of our American Republic. In recent decades, there has been a tearing down of this virtue by a nefarious cabal to disrupt the civilized order.
The injured root of agriculture was first attacked in 1933 with the Soviet-inspired Agriculture Adjustment Act (read Dan P. Van Gorder’s book, Ill Fares The Land). It featured attacks on the self-reliance of our farmers that have now grown into the Department of Agriculture. American manufacturing and Commerce have suffered decades of socialistic bureaucratic laws hindering production and transportation. The poison of bureaucratic law deserves the title of the fourth branch of government, for these executive branch agencies are the source of thousands of laws while Congress, the lawmaking branch, looks the other way.
We want to thank Russ Payne for this Contribution – Please direct yours to Steve@GraniteGrok.com.
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America’s tree is rooted in Judao/Christian ethics of the Ten Commandments and the gospel of Jesus Christ. Enduring strength that has withstood two hundred years of war against God and the Constitution. Miraculously, America still retains the sovereign power for our leaders to rule our own destiny. Will you be the water that allows the roots to go deeper by doing your part? Will you engage our representatives and demand enforcement of our laws, which pass on to posterity? Or will you be part of the silent majority that has gradually enabled progressive forces? Silence enables the recreation of our nation upon the satanic roots of humanism that are now killing the leaves and branches of liberty!
Silent majorities in state and federal congressional seats of power will not be shaken from silence by the silent majorities of constituents. In the long run, silent mobs are more dangerous to the life of liberty than the violent mob. Edmund Burke’s words challenge silence: “When bad men combine, the good must associate; else they will fall one by one, an unpitied sacrifice in a contemptible struggle.” Courage begets courage. Truth needs friends in Washington, D.C., and your state capital. The constituents must speak, and the representatives will follow.