Alliance Defending Freedom is a national nonprofit organization of Christian attorneys who identify important cases to pursue to preserve and protect Americans’ God-given “inalienable” rights. ADF has been a hero for Vermont citizens who suffer under a far-left supermajority progressivism that has insinuated gender, race, and climate ideologies into public schools and government institutions at the expense of traditional speech and other liberties — especially parental rights.
Vermont is a unique state jurisdiction, in which deep-pocketed out-of-state interests can dramatically influence policies against individual liberties. Planned Parenthood has practically overseen Vermont’s Attorney General’s Office for years. The Conservation Law Foundation is currently suing Vermont to compel Vermonters to comply with their own “climate target” laws — unconstitutional! Rabid gun rights and animal activist NGOs target Vermont to implement extremist, unconstitutional provisions through our pliant Legislature, taking advantage of citizens’ lack of wealth to defend their liberties relative to most other states in the union.
When our elected representatives fail to uphold basic Constitutional liberties, Vermonters, more often than not, lack the monetary means to seek judicial recourse. Organizations like Alliance Defending Freedom are powerful allies to Vermonters in fighting to simply preserve our strong liberty traditions, and ADF has already heeded our call in a number of important disputes. (Some of ADF’s current and former legal achievements are chronicled on their website.)
I invite readers from anywhere in the world to investigate ADF’s important work and consider supporting them with a donation, or to contact them if you are aware of a case that might merit their intervention. For those in geographical proximity to the Green Mountain State, I am writing to share an upcoming opportunity to meet and encourage ADF’s attorneys and learn more about how to build alliances that will serve all Vermonters and beyond. Alliances that will truly defend freedom….
I am excited to announce a free event in White River Junction, Vermont for lawyers, state representatives, and liberty activists to meet and learn from the expert team of lawyers from Alliance Defending Freedom! This gathering is directed toward Vermont or other area attorneys willing to learn more about ADF and how it can serve them and their clients here in Vermont. ADF routinely partners with local counsel, and can in some instances provide funds to local attorneys as well as dispatch highly-trained ADF staff to assist in important cases or at pivotal legal junctures. This is a valuable and rare networking opportunity. Iron sharpens iron!
The February 17 gathering is scheduled for 5:30-8:30 PM on Monday, February 17, at the REDCAN restaurant in White River Junction, Vermont. This is not a fundraising effort but a networking and educational forum. Vermont attorneys are invited to attend and meet some of ADF’s counsel. If you are a Vermont (or New Hampshire) attorney or law student, you are the target of this email. If you know an attorney in the area who might take interest in this venue, please forward this email to them.
This is a rare (and first!) opportunity to build relationships that will serve clients, Vermonters, and our lovely Green Mountain State now and in the future. Of course, we must show ADF that we are worthy of the investment of their time and resources by getting the word out and ensuring many Vermont lawyers attend!!
This event is not exclusive to legal counsel. Legislators, activists, or potential plaintiffs are also invited to sign up for attendance on the ADF website. There is no fee, attendees will not be pressured for donations, and this restaurant sounds lovely. I plan to attend (God willing) to learn more about what ADF is undertaking for our rights, and how I can better support and encourage them. ADF is comprised of lawyers who work as a non-profit to connect their abilities with low-income parents, children, and others. What a gift!! Count me in!!
I am indeed an attorney. But I’m a farmer first, and I want to herd as many attorneys into ADF’s REDCAN corral as possible for February 17. Please help me round up a full herd of attendees for this important, unprecedented event!! I need farmhands to rally the white collars! Please spread the word!
REDCAN is located at 129 South Main Street, White River Junction, VT 05001. A public parking lot is attached in addition to street parking.