Nine Democrats Running in NHCD-1 Primary – Not One Will Admit to Supporting Pelosi

pelosiFear of political retribution for supporting one of the most unliked Democrats in modern history has prompted all nine of the primary contestants in the Democrats to Replace Shea-Porter CD-1 fashion who to shun the political stylings of party Leader Nancy Pelosi.

Michael Graham, writing at Inside Sources, observes that, while they appear to cover the spectrum of options for Democrat primary voters, “they all have one thing in common: None of them say they’ll vote to make Nancy Pelosi House Speaker.”

 Jeanie Forrester, head of the NH GOP, raised this issue last week in a statement: “The liberals running for Congress in the 1st District need to come clean as to whether or not they support her. Do Maura Sullivan and Chris Pappas support her for Speaker?” Forrester asked.

Longtime political reporter John DiStaso of WMUR followed up by contacting every candidate and asking if they would support Pelosi as speaker.  As of Monday, May 7th the count was:

  • Three “nos”
  • Four “noncommitals
  • Two  “declined to respond.”

That’s not exactly nine no’s. But it is zero “yes’s.” (Or noes and yesses, if you prefer.)


The three no’s (Deaglan McEachern, Terence O’Rourke, and Mindi Messmer) went with time for new, younger leadership. Translation: she’s not radical enough. Too entrenched in the ruling class to be an effective socialist. Maybe she needs to wear the socialist “sackcloth” for floor speeches; a proper Mao suit. Go leftier, like say, Ann Kuster, who is more ideologically radical than either professional leftists Pelosi or Steny Hoyer.

The other six (Maura Sullivan, Chris Pappas, Levi Sanders, Naomi Andrews, Mark MacKenzie and Lincoln Soldati) gave bulls**t answers. I’m busy listening to the voters. Focused on the campaign. If I’m lucky enough to vote for speaker. Not something you can rush. Translation: I might need her political pull to fund my race and keep me relevant, and I don’t want to piss her off.

By the way. What about Ann Kuster? She’s on team-Pelosi. Over forty percent of New Hampshire voters think it’s time for a change in NH CD-2.  Annie gotta go. So, why aren’t there any young Democrats challenging her in the course of ensuring the House has that New Leadership Smell come January 2019?

If change is what they want, that only leaves them with a Republican.

Socialism only works when the powerful drag dissenters kicking and screaming into the cult or out into the darkness to disappear into obscurity.

So, based on these answers it is safe to say that Deaglan McEachern, Terence O’Rourke, and Mindi Messmer are primary ground scatter. As for the rest, well, they’re all more or less the same ideological zombie in a different skin suit. A lack of differentiation that will become painfully apparent the moment they set foot in DC, if they ever get the chance.

That doesn’t mean anyone should let them off the hook for the non-answers.

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