Cleaning up my stack of stuff: Why is it always the Socialists that decry “we are the wealthiest nation in history”?

by Skip

Forgot I had transcribed this from WMUR’s CLOSE UP show (Aug 12, 2018) where Levi Sanders, running to be the Democrat candidate in NH’s Second Congressional District even as he lived in CD-1, said the magic words:

On Tuesday or Wednesday, there will be one of the most important votes in the modern history of this country. And that vote will be whether or not in the wealthiest country in the history of the world, we throw 22 million Americans off the health insurance they currently have.

Yeah, once again – wrongthink.  Certainly the idea of a successful Medicare-for-All (which his Dad’s bill isn’t really Medicare-for-all that Bernie touts but is structured more like Medicaid-for-all and jams down lower payments to doctors and hospitals in order to say “see, we lowered healthcare costs” and caring not a whit about the restructuring again of 1/6 of our economy).  This is just a sidenote.  My real point is this:

1) The government is actually broke – you can’t be the richest country in the history of the world when your nation is also the brokest nation in the history of the world to the sum of $21 Trillion buckeroonies.
2) We may be a rich country BUT IT ISN’T YOUR MONEY – it’s ours, the individual citizens.

To that last point: why do these Democrat / Socialists / Progressives keep yammering and believing that it is perfectly acceptable to believe that you money really to do with they see fit?  They really do believe that your money is “the nation’s” – because SHUT UP. They didn’t earn it, they don’t worry over it, they don’t bother with our family budgets – nothing at all.  Heck, they can’t even take care of their Job #1 – passing “regular order” budget bills and have to resort to stupidly huge “omnibus” spending bills after doing N number “continuing resolutions” to keep from shutting down.

Yet, greedy schmucks like Levi and Bernie Sanders have no guilt at all in demanding we all pay for their socialist dreams even as:

  • Bernie, the good socialist, owns three expensive homes – why isn’t he acting like the good Socialist and sharing his “only due to good luck” with the poor?
  • Or even sharing his “simply good luck” in politics – he never made the effort to “share” his political wealth with his poorer son?
  • And what really was with Levi – expecting that CD-2 voters should be sharing their votes for him who lives in CD-1?

No, Levi – the US is NOT the wealthiest nation – we citizens are because we kept government out of our way to do what we do best – innovate and work hard. Figure out ways to serve others and make their lives better while improving the standard of living for our families and our co-workers’. As I pointed out in my previous post – the more that Government involves itself in our affairs, the poorer we all get.

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