In 2003, Carlene Hempel wrote an article in about New Hampshire’s top sex crimes police detective, James F McLaughlin.
Jeanne Shaheeen
No One Seems to Be Looking Out for Americans
Several of my family members and friends have written to Senators Shaheen and Hassan and to Governor Sununu asking how many migrants from the southern US border have been brought to NH.
Sugar Maples, Seasonal Syrup Woes, and Tapping into Tyranny
Maple Syrup is a big deal around here. It’s so big that Democrats threaten it for votes. Runaway global warming will erase your industry. It hasn’t, quite the opposite. Last year set a record, but this year was terrible. No, not too warm but too damn cold.
Bill O’Brien Drops Out of the Race for US Senate in New Hampshire
Former speaker of the House Bill O’Brien announced this afternoon that he is exiting The Republican primary for the US Senate.
WMUR Fake-Reporter (and Democrat Mouthpiece) Calls the Born-Alive Bill an “Anti-Abortion Bill”
This: One of the so-called “tough anti-abortion bills” is Senator Ben Sasse’s Born Alive Abortion-Survivors Protection Act. It has nothing to do with preventing abortions: “There’s nothing in the bill that’s about abortion,” Sasse added. “Nothing! It’s about infanticide. That’s the actual legislation. And you’ve got 44 people over there that want to hide from … Read more