What is Ivermectin

The Ivermectin Story; Feed This to Your Horse Faced Horse-Paste Democrat Friends

If someone stood up tomorrow and said, “x” cures COVID, I have a high degree of confidence that the Left’s Machine would denounce it, pay for studies to justify their position, and shout down anyone who tried to suggest otherwise.

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fda tweet Ivermectin is horse medicine

CDC Recommends Prophylactic Ivermectin for Migrants and Immigrants

Anyone remember this “folksy” tweet trying to get people to not take Ivermectin because it was for farm animals?  Horse dewormer and all, and definitely not-not-not for use in human beings, evah?

So now is the time where we JUXTAPOSE.

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Generic Pill Bottle Ivermectin

AG: It is Not Illegal for Physicians to Prescribe Ivermectin or Hydroxychlorquine to THEIR Patients

The CEO of the Nebraska Department of Health and Human Services asked the State’s AG “if it was ‘unlawful’ for doctors to prescribe HCQ or Ivermectin as early treatment or prophylaxis for COVID-19.” The Nebraska Attorney General did a bunch of research and came to a conclusion.

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Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.  But first, reprising an older cartoon (for shameless self-promotion!):

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Quick Takes – Hat Trick

Within I pick three topics upon which to discourse, but not worth a full-length examination as a standalone piece on their own.  But first, reprising an older cartoon (for shameless self-promotion!):

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Generic Pill Bottle Ivermectin

What Do Nuclear Power And Ivermectin Have In Common?

There is no question that leftism exists in direct conflict with common sense, morality, decency, and truth. The easiest way to observe this trend is to pick a topic – any topic – which leftists espouse and then ask yourself if an idea can be extended to its logical conclusion or has any limiting principles.

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FDA Logo screengrab

Is Someone at the National Institutes for Health (NIH) or The FDA Guilty of Mass Murder?

The NIH has a page that lists approved treatments for COVID19 as well as some under investigation. Ivermectin (IVM) is on the list, so a reader sent me the link. NIH is not saying IVM is approved but now that I’ve poked around in their “closet,” the question I have is why?

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Lab coat health care Photo by Online Marketing on Unsplash

Looks like COVID is Almost Over!

It looks like COVID is almost over!  Both Brazil and India confirm early treatment solutions and medical freedom are the answers.  And specifically, not requiring the COVID vaccines.

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Ivermectin Tweet Fake from Rolling Stone

The Oklahoma Ivermectin Overdose Story is a Left-Wing Deep Fake Lie

If you want to know whether Ivermectin works to treat COVID19 (no vaccine or passport needed)look at the data out of India is sufficient. If you’d rather let people die the Main Stream Media will punch that ticket.

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COVID Deaths in Delhi India

More Please: WHO Scientist That Spoke Out Against Using Ivermectin Charged with Mass Murder

Dr. Paul Craig Roberts at Global research is reporting that the BAR Association in India has charged a high-ranking World Health Organization figure with mass murder.

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Conspiracy Theory + Time = Reality

In Quick Takes: Hat Trick I had a meme about conspiracy theories:

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Nemesis Waits A needl in every arm

A Needle in Every Arm: Nemesis WILL Follow the Hubris of “The Science.”

From Surak comes this video about pharmacies being told to not prescribe Covid medications aside from the Covidian Sacramental Jab. (And be sure to visit the  Surak Blog after you are done here for incredible amounts of great info, and do make him a regular!)

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Im scared and I want to be scared

Boys Need More Men In Their Lives and Other Meme-ishness

It’s Saturday night (evening) and the temps have cooled off in New England, which means it is time for me to remind you that none of that has any relevance whatsoever to my publishing a bunch of memes. We meme that, really we do.

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Dr Ryan Cole on COVID treatments

Must Watch: Dr. Ryan Cole Shares Affordable Treatments that work Against COVID19

This is a great presentation by Dr. Ryan Cole. It is loaded with facts, like how the average age of death of COVID19 patients in the US is 78.6, and the average annual historical age of death in the US is 78.6.  Yeah, you read that right.

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Is it okay?

YouTube is Censoring Senate Committee Testimony It Does Not Like

YouTube took down “two videos of doctors testifying under oath.” The doctors appeared before a December 8 Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing. Sen. Ron Johnson sent a tweet on January 27. He was protesting.

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Coronavirus Image- Bostong herald


When I read a headline that claimed “Proven Drug That Is Now Saving Thousands Of Lives Should Be Approved To Prevent/Cure Covid-19 Instead of Unproven Vaccines”, I thought it would be related to Hydroxychloroquine – but it wasn’t. 

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Dr. Pierre Kory

Dr. Pierre Kory – “If You Take Ivermectin, You Will Not Get Sick”

“Pierre Kory, M.D., Associate Professor of Medicine at St. Luke’s Aurora Medical Center, delivers passionate testimony during the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee hearing on “Early Outpatient Treatment: An Essential Part of a COVID-19 Solution, Part II.”

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