What_Is_Fascism Market Business News

Notable Quote – So What Is Fascism?

Emphasis mine: As Charlotte Twight has shown, the essence of fascism is nationalistic collectivism, the affirmation that the “national interest” should take precedence over the rights of individuals. So deeply has the presumption of individual subservience to the state entered into the thinking of modern Americans that few people have noticed – and no doubt many … Read more

You are all under arrest

When Civilization Gives up on Moral Principle …

Most of us think that is it a “higher-order” of living and recognizing what is around us with both a set of rules, both written and unwritten, that have been crafted (or dumped on us) over the centuries.

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Liberty and Freedom

Notable Quote: “Collectivists hit hardest”

Only upon the premise of individualism can a free society be built. In fact, individualism was the implicit philosophical principle underlying the American concept of government as servant rather than master. The real significance of the American Revolution lay not in a military triumph (for other nations have won independence only to lapse back into … Read more

The Right Man for Today is Donald J. Trump.

The Right Man for Today … Donald J Trump

The November election is likely the most important one since 1860. This election is more than a contest over particular policies or programs. It isn’t only about healthcare or taxes. This election is a contest between two competing regimes. It is a struggle between two ways of life in diametric opposition.

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The Flu Versus Freedom.

The Flu Versus Freedom

There are many media talking heads spinning the situation but there is nothing new in the new flu. This one is like all the others, some more contagious and some less. Some are more deadly and some are less. In the end, it is another flu.

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We Must ask Ourselves Whether the Good we Intend Will do Harm

Have you ever stopped to wonder why people need specific laws in order to do the right things and be good people?  Whether it is the laws here in America or the 10 commandments from the bible people need specific laws.  How would it be possible to enforce an abstract moral principle like; be a good person?

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The Founders Held Great Mistrust for Democracy

The Founders Held Great Mistrust for Democracy

The Founders held great mistrust for democracy.  They did desire democratic principles.  They did not want a democracy for our form of government.  America’s founders were widely read.  They knew the work of Plato who wrote in The Republic, “And so tyranny naturally arises out of democracy.” Our history from James Madison As Plato decrees, … Read more

Political Party Sign Post

The Benefits and Setbacks Associated with Political Parties

This refers to groupings of individuals working together by sharing a mutual ambition, vision, and goals for their respective communities. The associations could be formed nationally, regionally, or at local levels, meeting habitually, creating platforms representing their specific values and vision. Furthermore, they send their members or representatives to vie for political seats. The prime … Read more

Bernie Goes for National Rent Control and More Federal Housing

Conservative Vs. Progressive… Where Do You Fit?

Conservatives and progressives have different views. We think about individuals and communities from fundamentally different places. Let’s look at an example. A conservative will ask: “What can I do for myself, my family, my community, and my fellow citizens?” A progressive asks: “What is unfair?” “I am owed what?” “What has offended me?” “My country … Read more

Red Flag

Editor Note: much of this post is pulled from a Daily Signal article. The link is now provided and the content from that post is now offset to show its origin. New Hampshire has a “Red Flag” bill in the legislature. The question is whether there is such a thing as correct focus on the … Read more

Trump Vs. Bernie… Actions Vs. Words

Remember the Bernie Sanders town hall program on Fox? It was an instructional show, if you were paying attention. It turns out Bernie is part of the ‘evil 1%’ he has made a career demagoguing. He paid way less taxes than what he thinks people in his tax bracket ought to pay. Hard to believe … Read more

Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA): “The Rights of the few…”

Every Sunday, I DVR the talking head shows.  This week was more arduous than most because we already knew what the topic du show were going to be: Newtown and the horrific event that happened there.  Knowing, too, who was going to be on the shows, I heard exactly what I thought I would – call for increased gun control under the stereotypical Progressive rubrics of “Nobody needs that” and “I don’t know anyone that…” as if on their worldview, only their “acceptable” items should be purchased under some strange definition of “Freedom”.  But that wasn’t the worst of it – my eyes nearly popped when I hear Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA, San Francisco) say the following on “Meet the Press” (emphasis mine):

Is this the way we want America to go?  In other words, the Rights of the few overcome the safety of the Majority?  I don’t think so!  I think America is ready (on her intent to submit a gun control bill on the first day of the next session).

The “Rights of the few” – funny, I always thought that Rights were an innate part of the ALL simply because they are US Citizens.  Perhaps I am just too old school for these fascist Progressives – I do believe in what the Founders wrote that our Rights are given to us by our Creator and Nature’s God and not just a bunch of legislators yammering away.  Sadly, she is from the philosophical Left that only believes that when it is conducive to their argument of the day.

No, Ms. Feinstein, it is NOT the “Rights of the few” –

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