Income Archives - Granite Grok


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What are The Five Basics of Money Management?

Managing your money can be difficult, especially if you’re living paycheck to paycheck and having difficulty paying down your debt. So what are the five basics of money management? And how can they help you?

Decision making without a grasp of the impact

There’s a Financial Storm Coming

Taxation is a weapon of government. Taxes directly affect the well-being of every American. Taxes are a necessary evil. We do need to fund a limited constitutional government. But what does that mean? What should our system of taxation look like?

FDR Stole Two-Thirds Of Americans' Savings

FDR Stole Two-Thirds of Americans’ Savings

Remember when FDR stole two-thirds of Americans’ savings? No, of course you don’t. It happened 87 years ago. The last time that populism existed as a major force in the world was in the 1930s. What we’re experiencing today is similar to what happened in the 1930s in many ways.

piggy bank money raise savings

The Truth About Income Inequality

The title, taken from the tax prof blog, is the simples beginning to this piece. Income inequality is a significant burr in the Left’s backside. Sorry, that’s not quite right. It is a burr they are trying to stick to everyone else backside. Class Warfare divides, but is it as bad as they claim?