Parents child home school homework

Don’t Tread on Homeschoolers

A 12-year-old Colorado boy became a victim of “woke” education when he was taken out of class and told he could not return unless he removed a Gadsden flag or “Don’t Tread on Me” patch from his backpack.

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Parents child home school homework

Your Kid’s School Went ‘Woke’? Consider Homeschool.

“Woke” culture has become so prominent in the American education system that it would not be surprising to learn that schools were replacing the once popular rhyme “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” with “sticks and stones may break my bones but opinions I disagree with can make … Read more

Granite State Home Educators logo cropped edges

Create a Stable and Vibrant Learning Opportunity

This fall marks the third school year impacted by Covid-19. Regardless of where you are on mask protocols or vaccinations, our children’s learning is greatly disrupted and at-risk. Learning gaps and emotional upheavals can last years if not decades. Why tolerate this for your children when there is an alternative?

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Data Point – Homeschooling Has Now Hit Over 11%; Teachers Unions Hardest Hit

by Skip

(evergreen headline alluded to above). Reformatted, emphasis mine). Data Says Homeschooling Is Skyrocketing …The pandemic, school closures nationwide, and some parents seeing the racialized and sexualized classroom curricula have changed this statistic significantly…By fall, 11.1% of households with school-age children reported homeschooling (Sept. 30-Oct. 12). A clarification was added to the school enrollment question to … Read more


NH Homeschooling More Than Doubles in 2020

The New Hampshire Department of Education released preliminary home education student enrollment just prior to the holidays. The enrollment figures are those new homeschooling children who notified the various Participating Agency options across the state: their local public school districts, the Department of Education, and private schools that offer this service.

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SDGANH Screen Grab

SDGANH: Home Schooling Model Policy

The New Hampshire School Boards Association (NHSBA) recently provided to their member boards a draft of Policy IHBG regarding home education. Granite State Home Educators (GSHE) did an analysis of the NHSBA policy draft and found that their proposed policy has several problematic components.

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Water main break

Quick Thought – No water for Merrimack?

by Skip

Watching WMUR Daybreak and they reported that the Town of Merrimack is “waterless” due to water main break near the Turkey Hill pumping station. Hmmm, usually when there is NO water, regular schools are dismissed and students are sent home. But EVERY student is now being homeschooled, right?  And they are ALSO out of water. How … Read more


Notable Quote (Education) – Jeremy Lott

by Skip

Reformatted, emphasis mine: What does education look like in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic? At the K-12 level, you’ve got problems. At the collegiate level, you’ve got existential problems. School is out for the year in most locales. More innovative districts are retooling like crazy and trying to do online classes. Parents are looking for cheap … Read more

The Value Proposition of K-12 Education: a failing proposition. New York City shows why

by Skip

Recent news: “Officials: Most NYC High School Grads Need Remedial Help Before Entering CUNY Community Colleges” (reformatted, emphasis mine)

NEW YORK (CBSNewYork) — It’s an education bombshell.

Nearly 80 percent of New York City high school graduates need to relearn basic skills before they can enter the City University’s community college system. The number of kids behind the 8-ball is the highest in years, CBS 2?s Marcia Kramer reported Thursday. When they graduated from city high schools, students in a special remedial program at the Borough of Manhattan Community College couldn’t make the grade.

They had to re-learn basic skills — reading, writing and math — first before they could begin college courses.  They are part of a disturbing statistic.

Officials told CBS 2?s Kramer that nearly 80 percent of those who graduate from city high schools arrived at City University’s community college system without having mastered the skills to do college-level work.

Hmm – not much value there, is there?  More like Public Education has a “dereliction of duty problem” on the order of “Do they even know what they are doing”?  And those of us that went through primary school through high school before the mid-70s (when the hippie / draft dodging / New Left schooled radical” teachers gave us limitless opportunities to make sport of cashiers that can’t make change in their heads or cannot string three complex sentences to save their lives.  Grokster Steve’s recent post on how homeschooling is illegal in Germany and how NH Dems have worked hard to do the same here too (either de jure or de facto): Do NH Democrats Want To Pass A Law Like This One In Germany?  It has accumulated a fair number of comments.  Hunter Dan – a government teacher that comments here (and to whom, we have been trying to better educate) – left us a comment here in response to a comment by Susan on a monopolistic stranglehold on “public education” by the teachers unions:

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Data Point: Homeschooled students place higher than the government schooled

by Skip

Just cruising around and ran across this over at Breitbart: In a study published in 2009, 12,000 homeschooled students from across the 50 states were tested on national measures of reading, language, math, science, and social studies. In the core studies of reading, language, and math, the average homeschooler scored at the 88th percentile, while … Read more

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