This fall marks the third school year impacted by Covid-19. Regardless of where you are on mask protocols or vaccinations, our children’s learning is greatly disrupted and at-risk. Learning gaps and emotional upheavals can last years if not decades. Why tolerate this for your children when there is an alternative?
Homeschooling offers a safe harbor for our children, a stable and loving environment in which they can learn and grow.
And it’s easier than you may think.
Granite State Home Educators is your go-to resource to help you navigate your initial investigation into homeschooling, and can help you connect with other families for fun and educational opportunities.
Check out our website to begin your search and browse through it to see the tremendous breadth and depth of resources available to families. It is not anything like remote learning or a one-size-fits-none public education.
By definition, home education is a personalized learning plan that families devise for their children. The requirements are minimal and need not replicate public education in any way. Families are empowered to create a nurturing and fulfilling learning environment for their children based on their own values, objectives, needs, and goals.
We recommend families start with these pages and videos to get acquainted with homeschooling and address common questions.
Getting Started video: A Brief Discussion about Homeschooling in NH and Tour of Our Website
Intro to Homeschooling video: Overview and Requirements
Intro to Homeschooling video: Building Your Home Ed Program
If you’re on social media, check out the extensive list of GSH-hosted groups across Facebook and MeWe. There are dozens of community-based groups for local friends and events as well as drop-off co-ops and enrichment classes. You are not alone and can connect with families when and how you choose for your children’s educational and social interests.
Discover why families say homeschooling is the silver lining to the pandemic for their children’s education.
What do your children have to lose by trying out home education for a few months that they haven’t already lost the past couple years compared to all they could gain?