Data Point – Homeschooling Has Now Hit Over 11%; Teachers Unions Hardest Hit

by Skip

(evergreen headline alluded to above). Reformatted, emphasis mine).

Data Says Homeschooling Is Skyrocketing

…The pandemic, school closures nationwide, and some parents seeing the racialized and sexualized classroom curricula have changed this statistic significantly…By fall, 11.1% of households with school-age children reported homeschooling (Sept. 30-Oct. 12). A clarification was added to the school enrollment question to make sure households were reporting true homeschooling rather than virtual learning through a public or private school.

That change represents an increase of 5.6 percentage points and a doubling of U.S. households that were homeschooling at the start of the 2020-2021 school year compared to the prior year. Across the nation, 28 out of 50 states had an increase in homeschooling that was statistically significant, and so did eight of the largest metropolitan statistical areas. States with the most significant increases varied between open ones, like Florida with a 13.1% increase, and those with longer lockdowns, like Massachusetts, at 10.6%. The large metros that saw increases usually suffered the longest lockdowns, such as Detroit, Michigan, and the greater New York area.

This, IMHO, shows that Government schools have squandered the Trust formerly assigned to them.  This is what happens when teachers unions forget who the Employers are and who the Parents are.

More information at the link below.

(H/T: PJMedia)

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