crime-scene body outline murder dead

Murdered Muslims, Hate Crimes, And Wait, Never Mind …

Less than a week ago, the tragedy of four brutal murders in New Mexico appeared to be a windfall for Democrats. It was a perfect yet bloody scenario for the party that doesn’t hesitate to try and exploit every and any tragedy that fits their larger narrative.

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What if Jews Just Presented as Asian?

The left’s pandering victim-culture is a facade. They hate everyone who isn’t on the same ideological page. It’s all politics. So, when they pretended to care about Asian hate crimes (after years of ignoring them in Dem-Run Cities), I had to laugh at them.

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Most “Hate Crimes” are Hoaxes

In the age of President Trump, the media has a job to do. Advertise ideas that support narratives about Trump and Republicans dishing hate. But an expert has uncovered an inconvenient truth. That 7 in 10 hate crimes are hoaxes.

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Two-Minutes [FAKE] “Hate” Sunday Nov 11th

In the wake of any reported “hate crime,” it is important to remember that the majority of these have an annoying habit of turning out to be self-inflicted, often in a desperate effort to get attention. College campuses don’t hold a monopoly on this behavior, but they do tend to produce a majority of them. A … Read more

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