Data Point – November NICS data: we’re buying more guns!

by Skip

And now we can say, once again, THANKS DEMOCRATS!  The more you keep talking, especially Beto (who broke the civilian disarmament code of omerta), the more we keep buying.  And when you live in Washington State with one infringing law after another, Virginia’s Governor Northam threatening to use the National Guard against Virginia counties declaring … Read more

Peggy Noonan on recent gun sales explosion: “…and they also fear their Government.”

by Skip

On “This week with George Stephanopolus”, Peggy Noonan said what I have been posting about here for a while.  If that angst has now trickled up to a nationally rated columnist and talking head on one of the top rated national political shows, that assures that there is a problem.  The gun sales are through the roof to the point of being almost unobtainable – and is finally getting noticed.  George asked Peggy Noonan the question:

Peggy Noonan, Newtown happened one month ago tomorrow.  We are going to see here from VP Joe Biden on Tuesday.  But we’ve been talking about this for the last few weeks on the program.  Every time I talk to a group of Senators, it does seem that there is a not a lot of sharing of the President’s sense of urgency on this issue.

Her response:

On Capitol Hill, you mean?  Look, guns are a very tough topic in America.  I do think that if the VP comes forward with some with his report on Tuesday that looks at the whole violence problem in a way that includes guns and extended magazines and such but how we also deal with the mentally ill in America and what to do if you have a 17 year old kid that appears to be unstable and violent?  There is a cultural angle to this, we all know what it is, we all go through the motions on this, we have for 25 years but a Democratic President addressing the cultural part of it this would be a little like Nixon to China.

If Biden has something to say that touches on all those things…

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So, looks like gun owners are hating Senator Diane Feinstein’s gun grab, yes?

by Skip

Or as I saw on one post “the only packing anti-gunner I know” – she’s got her CA carry permit and weapon and has said why she has it (…”I’ll take them with me!”).  Certainly, a lot of gun owners (or would  be owners) right after the Newtown tragedy felt that the gun-loathers (and those that loath those that have and use guns) would try another disarmament grab (regardless of what Senator Chuckie Schumer said).  But when they heard what NY Governor Andrew Cuomo said about signing legislation that had confiscation in it, and the new bill that Feinstein that all but outlaws most modern firearms AND calls for outright confiscation (“…until their deaths, at which point they would be forfeited to the government“).

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