When Does Peaceful Protest Become Civil Unrest

Many of us have been watching the images of the protests on the Columbia, Yale, and NYU campuses and listening to the alarming stories of Jewish students being harassed or confined to their dorm rooms for safety. The images could be of mass protests in Gaza if the crawler didn’t identify it as Harvard.

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“God Help Us!”

Watching and reading about the outrageous and terrorizing anti-Israel violence occurring on Ivy League campuses across our nation, it is appalling how the current Administration and left-leaning press report and view this despicable violence.

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The Youth Vote Is STUPID

So, a new NBC poll shows “young voters” (39 years and younger) souring on Biden. BUT … it is not because of runaway inflation. Most of them don’t even know what inflation is. It is not because of the weaponization of government to deny the political opposition freedom of speech and due process.

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Chris Pappas screen grab campaign ad 2022

Giving Tax Money to Terrorists

Congressman Pappas does not support aid for Israel; he voted against H.R. 6126. At the same time, Congressman Pappas supports the administration’s efforts to place your tax money at high risk of ending up in the hands of Middle Eastern terrorists.

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The Case for Razing Gaza

It is not often that an entire city reaches such a level of decay that it deserves to be entirely razed to the ground, removed from existence. Sodom and Gomorrah are the pivotal examples in history that were destroyed by hellfire.

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Woman Palestinian flag jihad pixaby

With All This Talk About Gaza …

by Skip

It has been a week full of news about Iran’s Islamist Jew-hating-proxy Hamas’s massacring innocents within Israel. Acts of terrorism on the 50th anniversary of the Yom Kippur War when the Arab countries of Jordan and Egypt attacked it.

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Links for International News of the Day

Links for International News of the Day

We hope the Links for International News of the Day will help you stay abreast of happenings in the broader world that may affect your corner of it. U.S./Taliban Talks Afghan peace talks dead, U.S. to keep pressure on Taliban: Pompeo. Reuters. Pompeo leaves Taliban talks on the table, saying the group needs to ‘change … Read more

Hamas home explodes in gaza

As many as 15 Dead* After Hamas Rocket ‘Factory’ in Gaza Explodes

An unknown number of Hamas terrorists are dead and several others injured after a workplace accident in Rafa, on the Gaza Strip. The Iran-backed anti-colonialist Arab group was facilitating their latest messaging strategy for Isreal when a man-caused disaster resulted in the liberation of at least three buildings and their occupants. Local media reported the blast … Read more

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