Terrorists Threaten Christians in Gaza

Gaza Terrorists Warn Locals: ‘CELEBRATING CHRISTMAS IS EVIL’

Muslim strongholds in the Middle East have been cleansing their land of Christians for years. The Gaza Strip is no exception.  A flyer featuring a burning Christmas tree and threats in Arabic forbidding the celebration of Christmas was published by the Al-Nasser Salah al-Deen Brigades, also known as the Specialty Brigade, in Gaza ahead of the Christian … Read more

WAR (Updated: Egypt calls for Arab response to attacks on Palestinians)


(Updates are at the end of the original post)

Israel has had enough of the rocket attacks and has approved “Vigorous Action” against the Terrorist infrastructures in the Gaza strip.  They are calling up reserves, and will initiate a ground force invasion if necessary to stop the attacks on their population.  For the time being, air strikes and other surgical attacks will continue against targets in Gaza.

Simultaneously, the government of Israel is also prepared to Annex the West Bank if the Palestinian Authority (PA) continues to violate the Oslo accords by pursuing state hood through the UN without negotiating with Israel.

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Carol SEIU-Porter And Ann McKluster’s Biggest 2012 Donor? Anti-Israel J Street PAC

JStreet The Anti-Israel Lobby and PAC supports NH DemocratsYou are who you take money from, so the narrative goes, which on a typical day makes Carol Shea-Porter (SEIU-Porter) a union thug and Ann McLane Kuster (The McKluster) and SEIU-Porter both the Bane of the Unborn (up to an including partial birth abortion), and meat puppets of left wing congressional leadership.

Ann McLane Kuster - Supported by Anti-Israel J Street
The McLuster ....

So how does the J Street PAC factor in?  J Street is currently the biggest individual donor to both New Hampshire Democrat congressional candidates SEIU-Porter and The McKluster.  NH CD-1 Candidate SEIU-Porter has received $10,950 dollars and CD-2 Candidate McKluster has pocketed over $30,000.00 from the group, putting J Street at the top of both fund-raising leader boards.  And who is J Street?

J Street is the offspring of gazillionaire George Soros largess, and funded by the Soros family (and other mysterious foreign donors).  It lists itself as a Pro-Israel group, but its primary purpose is to funnel money into Left wing candidates and to promote anti-Israeli policy.

To quote Elliot Jager at Jewish Ideas Daily

Claiming to support Israel’s right to self-defense, J Street since its founding has opposed every measure Israel has taken to defend its citizens. It opposed military action to stop Hamas’s bombardment of the Negev. It abandoned Israel in the face of the Turkish flotilla frenzy. And it had to be dragged kicking and screaming to embrace even mild congressional sanctions against Iran.

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