Bernie Sanders Work Hard Govt gives it to others meme

Another Democrat Vote Buying Program Emerges Before the Elections

Just as the Dems are using various measures to make sure crime pays, they are also thinking of ways to make people “comfortable” being poor.  They need to, because poverty is the lifeblood of the Democrat Party. Without high levels of poverty, the Democrat Party would wither away.  This is why they implement policies that guarantee poverty will be sustained at a high level, and then offering “free” poverty-related benefits to ensure the votes will keep rolling in.

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Money US dollars benjamins Orignal Photo by Frederick Warren on Unsplash

Are People Smartening up about the Strings Attached with Federal “Money Gifts”?

For years, I’ve talked about that Federal “grants” are no such thing as they are PAYING other government and private sector entities for stuff that appear to be appealing but there are far more expensive costs associated. In our town,

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Sherm Packard yelling at protesters that are on his side WMUR screenshot

Even Republicans Think We’re Imbeciles and Incapable of Self-Care: The COVID

I recently got the following from a NH Republican House Legislator (who asked for anonymity) lamenting our “political elite” on both sides of the aisle. You know, like NH State Rep Kris Roberts (D): “Government has to protect us from our own stupidity.” However, this is about the Republicans.

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FEMA logo

FEMA FAQ: Yes You Can Change a Death Certificate to Get Some COVID19 Funeral Reimbursement Money

The Federal Emergency Management Administration if hading out more tax dollars. If you had someone die from COVID19, they might be able to give you money for funeral expenses. That sounds absurd on its face, but that’s just the beginning of how bad this is.

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NH State outline money

Another Government Boondoggle- Big Surprise.

It has recently been announced that the governor and Executive Council authorized the New Hampshire Bureau of Rails and Transit to enter into a $5,448,607 contract with a company in Manchester to undertake the development and engineering phases of the long-discredited project to bring commuter rail service to the Capitol Corridor between Lowell, Mass., and … Read more

Coronavirus Image- Bostong herald

“PSA – Identifying the Symptoms of #WuhanVirus”

From the folks at the WHO and CDC.  Color-coded for your reference. H/T Doug Ross

Black woman african american

If NH is Too White Why Did Dem’s Reject Money for a Program That Attracts Minorities?

Democrats say that New Hampshire is too white. There isn’t enough color. They also believe that the government can fix it. Probably not. But when the chance arose for the government to do something that attracts minorities, they chose to vote against it.

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TP Roll Money

On the Topic of “Free Money” – A Refresher Course

Given the “complexion” of our incoming New Hampshire legislature, we should take a moment to revisit a phrase you’ll be hearing a lot more around the Granite State.  “Free money.” ‘Free money’ is taxes for which (the individual using the term) did not have to “vote” to collect them.  Someone else, further away and more difficult … Read more

Nashua Mayor Asks For 4 Million From Surplus None of it For Commuter Rail

nashuacityhallI guess there are bigger priorities in Nashua than “Choo Choo.” Capital equipment. Playgrounds. Sidewalks. A few ‘plants’ to spiffy up the joint. Work on a community center. Repurposing technology and updating an online dashboard so residents can access information from about city projects and initiatives. Like choo choo?

Nashua has four million dollars (leftover) and not a penny of it earmarked for another rail study.

They did earmark some to remove invasive species. No, not out-of-state Massachusetts voters living in Dem. Rep. Cindy Rosenwald’s house; plants by the river, or something.

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About that “Free Money” From Washington…

You’ve heard it time and again. Some state or local official promotes a project or a legisaltive initiative because there’s a federal grant available. These sorts of  “thinkers” will often implement long-term programs at great expense based on promises of “free money.” The Federal government is paying X percent of costs for Y number of years.

How can we pass that up?

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