Railroad rails commuter rail original Photo by Gonzalo Facello on Unsplash

A NH Commuter Rail Question: Should Paul Revere have taken the T to Lexington (or Nashua)?

When considering commuter rail in New Hampshire, here’s a thought experiment that offers a great place to start. Should the Massachusetts Bay Colony have built commuter rail in Revolutionary-era Boston?

Bullying Discussion Derailed by Nashua Board of Education

If you ask parents, bullying is a growing problem in Nashua schools that continues to be swept under the rug by the School Board. There will be no discussion of bullying at the upcoming Policy Committee meeting, despite promises to address it at that meeting.


Nashua’s Rail Solution Creates More Traffic Not Less

The New Hampshire commuter rail boondoggle (or just ‘rail’) has a long history on these pages. There is very little about it we have not explored. Traffic fits that profile. Before you can ride a train, you need to get to it. That’s a problem for Nashua but they are forging ahead anyway. Start with a 5.2 Million … Read more

The Latest Chapter in Nashua “Privately Funded” Rail Fantasy

The subheading to the Union Leader article reads “In 2017, the city took steps to explore bringing privately-funded passenger rail service to Nashua.” What follows is reporting about the release of a 30-page report. An impossible dream that was unmasked on Granitegrok in 2017 when Nashua first embraced it.

Nashua Mayor Asks For 4 Million From Surplus None of it For Commuter Rail

I guess there are bigger priorities in Nashua than “Choo Choo.” Capital equipment. Playgrounds. Sidewalks. A few ‘plants’ to spiffy up the joint. Work on a community center. Repurposing technology and updating an online dashboard so residents can access information from about city projects and initiatives. Like choo choo? Nashua has four million dollars (leftover) and not a penny … Read more

Nashua Didn’t See its “Housing Crisis” Cuz it Was Hiding Behind “The Rail Study”

Capistrano has the swallows, and Nashua, New Hampshire has the rail study. Every legislative ‘season’ the transportation doyens staff up the winery so they can wail like banshees about rail-study money. We need 4-million dollars for another rail study. It’s always four million. Since the same people will “study” rail with the same preconceived outcomes as every previous … Read more

Nashua Regional Planning Commission Fishing For Commuter Rail

Regional Planning Commissions are unaccountable bodies of busy-bodies who operate outside the usual rules for political interference in your day to day life. They get access to and spend public money, and can serve as a pipeline for Federal political class priorities. They are also notoriously progressive, so when the Nashua Regional Planning Commission sets up … Read more

Is Carpetbagger Maggie Goodlander Even Living in Nashua?

The forces of postmodernism require opening with a disclaimer just for the record, so let’s get that formality out of the way because the usual gaslighters await.

Do Not Let Your Community Lose Its Dignity by Becoming Another Nashua.

I will start by sharing a video link for the readers to bookmark, though I don’t recommend wasting 98 minutes of your life listening to the insufferable drivel of the Nashua local swamp.

City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Property Taxes, Constitutional Rights, and the Nashua Mayoral Race

In seeking a fifth term as mayor of Nashua, Mayor Donchess cites the city’s rankings as one of the best-managed and most livable cities in America, as well as its highest-possible municipal bond rating. These are real achievements that benefit us all, and it’s right that the mayor should take a bow for his part … Read more

Mayor Donchess is “Shoveling Bull to The Nashua Taxpayers”

It was very upsetting to read about Mayor Donchess being bullish on Nashua’s future. In reality, the Mayor is shoveling bull to the Nashua taxpayers.

Railroad rails commuter rail original Photo by Gonzalo Facello on Unsplash

ICYMI – NH Executive Council Puts a Stake in the Heart of Another Blood-Sucking Commuter Rail Project

I’ve been badmouthing proposed commuter rail projects for New Hampshire for fifteen years. There’s no benefit. It will never make money, meaning it will cost all of us (equity) to have something few will use. But they keep trying.

Railroad rails commuter rail original Photo by Gonzalo Facello on Unsplash

For-Profit Passenger Rail Fail: Boston Surface Railroad Declared Bankruptcy, Ousted from Headquarters

In 2017, Nashua eagerly embraced an opportunity to build a rail stop for the newly formed Boston Surface Railroad. It was a planned for-profit passenger rail service with a dirty public money secret we exposed back in 2017.

granitegrok.com - BE (printscreen youtube.com - RudyMayer)

Sightseeing Recommendations: Top 10 Attractions in Nashua for Tourists of All Ages

Being twice chosen by Money Magazine as the best place for living in the USA from a financial point of view, Nashua, the second-largest city within the New Hampshire state, is by all accounts a great place to visit or call home.

Greg Turgiss

The Last Man Standing (in the Nashua Assessing Office)– Greg Turgiss

Some of you may remember the story of the Private Investigator (PI) hired to track a Nashua Assessor, Greg Turgiss, whereabouts while performing assessing work. The result of this investigation showed that the assessor was sleeping at a rail trail head and in a parking lot behind a hotel, all while signing out on an … Read more

Derailed train rail boondoggle

Boondoggle Derailed?

One of the biggest issues with commuter rail is that everyone in the state, most of whom will never use or have use of it, will have to pay for it forever. So, y’all should be excited about this bill.

Railroad rails commuter rail original Photo by Gonzalo Facello on Unsplash

Amtrak Wish-List Includes Rail into NH No One Will Use

Commuter Rail should not be a priority in New Hampshire for more reasons than I can count, but I’ve counted them for the past 12 years, with some success. Now, it looks like Amtrak has imagined a spur from Masskachusetts to Concord. Why? Seriously, why?

City of Nashua seth-dewey-EOlo15oy8Ks-unsplash

Citizens for a Better Nashua: The Board of Aldermen Should Strengthen Its Voice as a Voice and Not as an Echo.

As the 2021 Fall election approaches, it is time for the citizens of Nashua to take a close look at their City government and the elected officials running it. In doing so we have found a lot to like but also some glaring deficiencies.

Nashua performing arts center

Request for Costs Missing from Proposed Nashua Performing Arts Center Project

Mr. Tim Cummings, It has come to my attention and the attention of many other residents that there will be a large amount of money that is not included in the initial Performing Arts Center bond to pay for all the exclusions.

burning money

Nashua Residents: Expect a Hefty Increase in Your Tax Bill Next Year.

Nashua residents really need to start looking at what our mayor and Board of Aldermen are doing with our tax dollars.