Tariffs, Borders, Canada, and Fentanyl

So, given the kerfuffle with tariffs with Canada and Mexico, I thought this might be interesting: And given that I’m driving Canadian blogger Lloyd Alter nuts on tariffs (he still has no clue other than “TAX! Betrayal by an ALLY!”, I dropped this at his place as he complained (paraphrased) “very little drugs going over … Read more

drugs graffiti fentanyl

Biden Was Not Concerned, Trump Will Stop Fentanyl

Fentanyl is the number one cause of death for young people from 18-49. I challenge you to find one situation where the Biden administration put any pressure on Mexico or China to stop the scourge created by this “Made in China” killer. I’ll be patient waiting, but you will not find one. In the four-year … Read more

drugs graffiti fentanyl

Fentanyl – Which Candidate Can End the Scourge?

Among the odd exchanges between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris at their first and perhaps only debate before Election Day was a dispute over who would better protect Americans from the growing scourge of illegal substances, especially fentanyl. This issue is of top concern to millions of Americans who have suffered the loss of a … Read more

Shameless Manchester Democrats Now Lying About Fentanyl

Mexican cartels are the main producers (from precursors from China) and traffickers of fentanyl. That’s simply a fact. Even the Biden-Regime acknowledges that’s a fact. The Mexican cartels often hire Americans to smuggle fentanyl from Mexico to America. Yet here is Manchester Democrat (Woke-Communist) State Rep Damond Ford LYING by omission … leaving out the … Read more

House Session 5-2-24

So Kids, What Did We Learn From This Week’s House Session (5/2/24)?

We learned that when Republicans do not show up, it can be a pretty disappointing day in the House. Additionally, the same thing happens when we have a few person advantage and a handful of “Republicans” vote along with House Democrats to kill perfectly good bills, and conversely pass pretty awful ones. If you know some good Conservatives in your district, please urge them to sign up to run in June.

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Chuck Schumer - screen grab Schumer Senate website

Fentanyl Too Tough For Schumer, Goes After ZYN Instead

Chuck Schumer has found his latest cause to give the American people the impression that he is looking out for their safety. Schumer has gone on the record, with the required number of Democrats nodding heads surrounding him, that he is declaring war on nicotine pouches. The Senate Majority Leader singled out ZYN pouches, but he included all brands of the pouches in his sortie.

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Reaper skull Pixaby

We Cannot Get Numb to Drug Deaths & Homelessness

We are bombarded with bad news every day, and it feels like it has worsened since the onset of COVID in 2020. We incessantly hear how bad our economy is, how high our home-heating oil will be, how many illegals have crossed the Border today, how bad the weather will be, and if we will be back in masks after the holidays.

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When Did We Lose the Sanctity of Life

When did we become so numb to senseless death? Was it the video games that we have played for decades? Was it the movies filled with violence that we paid good money to see? Was it CRT being taught in our schools that made our children hate our country and system?

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drugs graffiti fentanyl

Maybe We Need a Fentanyl Memorial Wall

How can we get the attention of Joe Biden and his Administration to the crisis of Fentanyl poisoning? We are losing 100,000 Americans per year to Fentanyl Poisoning. It is now the number one cause of death for 18-45-year-old Americans.

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drugs graffiti fentanyl

Fentanyl, That Devil …

Maybe I’m just being picky, but I have a problem with this Union leader headline. “Direct delivery of Naloxone key to reducing opioid deaths.” It’s key? The key to stopping opioid deaths is trying to prevent death after an overdose.

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drugs graffiti fentanyl

Fentanyl Deaths are Collateral Damage

Fentanyl death, by poisoning or overdose, is now the leading cause of death in America for the 25 to 45 age group. Originating in China and distributed to the United States by Mexican cartels and smugglers. There is no legal use for this imported drug, and it should be classified as a terrorist act to … Read more

Coronavirus COVID

Was Our COVID Response Worth It?

It took two years, but COVID finally swept through the Malaby house. Other than a positive test, my two-year-old showed no signs of having the virus, which seemed odd considering she’s exhibited symptoms of a cold since the day she was born. I had the shakes and a low-grade fever one night, and that was the extent of it.

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