Listen: Fentanyl Is Killing Kids In More Ways Than You Realize

Grace Curly had Derek Maltz Sr on her program to discuss the fentanyl crisis. Derek is a retired DEA special ops guy that wrote an article in the New York Post on cartels using open-border policy to kill more Americans than any terrorist organization.

That’s a bold way to put it, but it is not incorrect. The cartels have been running fentanyl into America thanks to Biden’s borderless America policy and Obama’s open-border policies before that.

Only during Trump’s administration did this begin to slow down.

As we’ve pointed out, the result is a massive pile of bodies from drug and overdose deaths, and elected Democrats are responsible for these deaths.

Rather than address the problem, they use the crisis they created to grow the government but not in any meaningful way – like border enforcement or supporting Immigration enforcement officers or the rule of law. They add funding for progressive NGOs or therapists or crisis or suicide helplines.

But that is only part of the story. Derek has some details we’ve not covered that you’ll never see in the local media, which he shares with Grace in this segment.


Grace Curly Show

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