
She Lost Her Primary Despite Paying Tornado Guru to “Protect” Her

Sandy Cortez’s squad has had some attrition issues lately. Ironically, they fell off Team Marx via the same tactic Cotezz had tried to get them there in the first place. Sandy’s plan has been to primary old school Dems with young commies, but a few of the citizens seem to have lost interest in that. … Read more

Trump Manch Aug

FEC Commissioner James E. “Trey” Trainor -“It’s Not a Campaign Finance Violation. It’s Not a Reporting Violation of Any Kind.”

More bad news for the proprietors of non-stop Trump outrage. FEC Commissioner James ‘Trey” Trainos says, in regard to Alvin Bragg’s indictment, that there’s no there there.

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US Federal Elections Govt EC Logo

‘Grok Gauntlets – Yep, Time to Get Started. Helps to Start at the Beginning!

‘Grok Gauntlets – I describe them as the same as journalists’ “Round Tables” with candidates but with much better Conservative oriented questions. Generally, FAR different questions to boot. But in order to get to the ‘Grok Gauntlets, we need to do the invites. 

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FEC Chairman Trey Trainor: “There Was in Fact Fraud That Took Place”

The Biden campaign, the DNC, the main stream media and the GOPe have all been pushing for President Trump to concede the Presidential election to Biden. But the President knows there was massive fraud and massive collusion to steal the election from him – and from us, the American people.

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FEC Voter-Fraud-Denier Also a Russia-Collusion-Conspiracy-Theorist

This from FEC DemocRAT Ellen Weintraub in response to President Trump, during his recent rally in Manchester, noting widespread Voter-Fraud in New Hampshire in 2016:

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Denying New Hampshire Voter Fraud Is In The News Again

Once again it is a loudmouthed official from the Federal Elections Commission – Ellen Weintraub doing damage control by deflection.

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Intimidation: Tool of the Left

Texas congressman Joaquin Castro posted to Facebook a list of names and employers of Trump donors. The list is from the San Antonio congressional district. In addition to distributing the list of names and workplaces; Castro accuses those on the list of, “contributing to harmful rhetoric that targets the Hispanic community and so many others.” … Read more


Ocasio-Cortez Campaign Finance Scandal Number Two!

Democrat Party Poster-Girl Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is up to her eyeballs in earned media. She’s also up to her eyeballs in gaffes and, yes – trouble. And not just that business about funneling campaign funds to her boyfriend. Her “chief of staff” is alleged to have used two PACS to disguise how up to a million dollars in campaign contributions were used.

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ocasio-cortez alexandria

FEC Asked to Investigate AOC over Campaign Payments to BF on the QT

It’s not a slow news day, I swear, but DNC CCCP Poster-Girl AOC could be investigated by the FEC for Campaign payments to her boyfriend on QT. You know, Riley, the guy who’s on her Congressional staff but not on her staff. There were two disbursements to him of 3,000.00 dollars each (late last summer) made by a third party from her campaign funds

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Ed Naile Explains The FEC Complaint and Ruling Against Bernie Sanders

CNHT Chairman Ed Naile walks me through the backstory leading up to an FEC complaint that resulted in a $14,500.00 fine levied against Bernie Sanders for colluding with Australian Socialists in his 2016 Presidential Campaign. We also discuss the FEC ruling and what it means for New Hampshire Elections. Find more ways to listen here

Anonymous Durham NH Donor Pays When Obama Campaign Will Not

Saw this first at CBS/Boston.  A local Durham New Hampshire resident has offered to donate the up to $20,000.00 dollars necessary to cover the cost of Police, Fire, and EMT coverage for President Obama’s Campaign visit. Durham officials say they didn’t mean to raise a ruckus, but they didn’t have the money budgeted for police, … Read more

Will Jeanne Shaheen Send The IRS After the NHCAA?

The NHCAA is the New Hampshire Citizens Alliance for Action.  They are a 501 (c)(4), and the political-action arm of the New Hampshire Citizen Alliance (NHCA). The NHCA is a 501(c)(3) and the local chapter of USA Action which, if it was in a vat and you scooped some out, it would provide you with a frothing cup of primordial progressive/socialist poison.

I point this out {the 501 (c)(4) part at least} because according to a letter signed by New Hampshire’s own Senator Shaheen, sent to the Internal Revenue Service, several Democrat Senators have expressed a concern about whether 501(c)(4) groups are engaging in any campaign activity which (according to the Senators) is expressly prohibited by their 501 (c)(4) status.

Carol Shea-Porter Isn’t In The Middle Class

Shea-Porter is RichCarol Shea-Porter is earning over 170,000.00 dollars per year as a member of the US House.  (That’s $120,000.00 more per year than the national average for the rest of us.) Her husband, whose income remains a mystery–perfectly legal as I understand it–has an extensive military background (for which he deserves our thanks) and appears to be employed by the government as well.  So it is safe to say that he’s making good money. In fact, odds are good he is making twice as much as his private sector counterpart.

Is he making $80,000.00 per year or more?  I bet he is.  And if he is, by the left wings definition, the Shea-Porters are rich, and therefore not eligible for the distinction of "being part of the middle class."  And until such time as we know for certain, it is safe to assume that every time someone in the Shea-Porter campaign claims she is just part of the middle class, including Carol, they are lying to you.


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Carol’s Dirty Foreign Money

Carol Seiu-Porter gets her share of funding from unions with an international presence, but a new group has risen abruptly to the top of her donor list and it’s not a Union.  J Street PAC, a self proclaimed pro-Israel group, has produced donors to Carol to the tune of $16,500.00, and endorsed her as well.

J Street is self-proclaimed for several reasons.  They show their "support" for Israel by fighting sanctions against Iran and Hamas.  Their idea of peace is to lobby against Isreal’s right to self defense when attacked; as in, firing back prevents peace, just sit there and take it.  And J Street has been heavily funded by the anti-Israeli Soros family fortune, and other generous foreign donors including prominent Arab’s, their representatives, attaches, consultants, and hangers-on.

They do have US donors, but the democrats have made it clear that this no longer matters, nor does any existing regulation to separate foreign and domestic donations.

Using their rules Carol just took another $16,000.00 in "foreign contributions" for her "local election."  Contributions from people who it can be argued, don’t care all that much for our ally Israel.

Some more links on the jump.


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Shea-Porter has amended 27 Seperate FEC filings.

If FEC disclosure amendments are really that big a deal, then why are we not discussing the fact that Carol Shea-Porter has had to amend her FEC filings 27 times. That’s one filing amended for ever 1.6 months in office. Is she that sloppy? Maybe she took advice from Nancy Pelosi instead of reading the filing rules herself –we know she’ not very good at reading things.

Another Amended Filing in CD-1

Is it absurd to think that a guy who earned almost $400,000.00 last year, and probably something similar in preceding years, would have no additional income to declare to the Federal election Commission.  No savings accounts, no IRA’s no investments of any kind?

How about a guy who was also a lobbyist at least somewhat familiar with the election laws about money in politics?

Well don’t act surprised because NH-01 candidate Rich Ashooh will have to amend his FEC filing.  It appears he failed to list all his "secret" bank accounts on his original filing.  In fact, the filing fails to list any accounts, no investments, funds, savings, nothing–just his salary income, his mortgage, and the boards and committees on which he sits.  Rich Ashooh has no savings or investments? Where’s the false outrage?

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How Not To File With The FEC

ADR 107               RESPONDENTS: Sean Mahoney for Congress, James McKay, assistant treasurer SOURCE:              FEC Initiated (RAD) SUBJECT:             Failure to accurately disclose loans NEGOTIATED SETTLEMENT:         Respondents, in an effort to resolve this matter and avoid similar errors in the future agree to amend reports previously filed with the Commission and to put in place procedures to avoid … Read more

I Stand Corrected

FECFor the record, there is a PDF available of Sean Mahoney’s individual donors at the FEC but it is not as easy to access nor review on line as any of the other FEC data for New Hampshire candidates.  Perhaps I should be clearer.  Out of the 19 candidates reporting receipts to the FEC in all the federal level races for New Hampshire only Wesley Michael Sonner Jr, Timothy Vanblommesteyn (Both in CD-2) and Sean Mahoney do not have their detailed data available on the front end FEC candidate list page for each respective race.  I know what you are thinking.  Who the hell is Timothy Vanblommesteyn and why are he and Sean Mahoney being dissed by the FEC.


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