It’s not a slow news day, I swear, but DNC CCCP Poster-Girl AOC could be investigated by the FEC for Campaign payments to her boyfriend on QT. You know, Riley, the guy who’s on her Congressional staff but not on her staff. There were two disbursements to him of 3,000.00 dollars each (late last summer) made by a third party from her campaign funds.
As per the complaint, the three factors which constitute a violation of law are 1) the use of “intermediaries” to make the payments, 2) the “vague and amorphous nature of the services Riley ostensibly provided,” and 3) “the romantic relationship between Ocasio-Cortez and Riley.”
Just doing what any good socialist does. And practice makes perfect.
I Spy With My Little Eye
One of the problems with being annoying to everyone (including Democrats) is that you don’t build coalitions to help you hide your malfeasance. No one wants to cover for you. You also end up under the Nathan Phillips Microscope.
The entire internet pries into your life and uncovers all that indiscretion you’d been passing off as legitimacy. A sort of when we practice to deceive kind of a vibe. The apartment thing. Your Jenny from the Block thing. That Neiman Marxist thing. The Green New Deal Thing. Everything that comes out of your mouth (now that I think of it) thing. You may not have wanted celebrity until you had it but now you’ve you got it. And you’re an addict.
Addiction has a heavy price.
People will engage you with the expectation that you’ll blurt out the next great web-traffic tsunami click bait Ocasio-Cortezism.
And while playing dumb might be your day job, you are a Democrat in Congress, if the FEC decides to crank the microscope down because you padded your boy-toys back account, well, who knows what else might turn up?
Not to worry. A bit more embarrassment. Some fines, maybe. More media appearances. A few more wrinkles for Pelosi’s Botox to wrestle with and a joyful internet. And at least your boyfriend knows you’re the boss.
But your giddy youthful indiscretions are exhilarating. And with any luck, they’ll continue to give your Socialist obsessions a bad name and take a few score party regulars down the electoral tubes with you come 2020.
| RedState