FBI, DOJ, Media’s House of Cards Will Fall When Trump/Vance Win in November

Bruce Jenket

What is the difference between “stupid” and “ignorant?” Stupid people lack the cognitive ability to use reason and logic. Ignorant people have that ability but deliberately “ignore” facts that contradict their “preferred” narrative. Stupid is a cognitive issue, and ignorance is an ethical issue.

Abortion is a good example. At six months (24 weeks), the baby has a 68% chance of survival. That is a scientific fact. Yet, abortion activists ignore that fact and continue to push for abortion up to delivery. They could have a doctorate of philosophy degree that proves they are not “stupid,” but they deliberately remain “ignorant” of the fact that late-term abortion is murder.

We want to thank Bruce Jenket for this contribution. Send yours to steve@granitegrok.com

Democrats are the party of antisemitism. Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Rashida Tlaib, and Ayanna Pressley are all calling for the obliteration of Israel. Also, pro-Hamas protests occur predominantly in cities controlled by Democrats. The protesters and some Laconia Daily Sun contributors ignore that Hamas is a terrorist organization. Supporting terrorism is unethical.

Democrats are also the party of BLM and Antifa. The 2020 riots killed about a dozen Americans and caused $2 billion in damage. Vice President Kamala Harris and Gov. Tim Walz supported and defended both. Again, there is a lack of ethics.

MSNBC, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, etc., promote unethical issues as acceptable. They do this using psychological warfare. They work on “smart” people by repeating lies and actively censoring the truth. If someone is voting Democrat and feeling uncomfortable reading this letter, they have a conscience and are “ignoring” its call for ethical behavior. Don’t.

The above media is all in for Harris/Walz for a reason. The current Republican-controlled House of Representatives has exposed the FBI, DOJ, and media lies. Their house of cards will fall when Trump/Vance wins in November, and the unethical players will be out of a job. Vote Republican to defeat ignorance.


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