
What Fascism Looks Like …

In ‘Dark Continent -Europe’s Twentieth Century, ‘ author Mark Mowzer examines the destructive ideologies that swept Russia and Europe—Marxism and Fascism, more specifically (as well as their close cousins). While Mowzer has academic blinders – insisting fascism is a political product of the right when it is only a degree’s difference from Communism – he … Read more

Who is a Fascist?

The accusation of “fascist!” is being tossed around a lot in the closing weeks of this campaign season, which gets me to wondering if these accusers actually know what fascism is. It’s a hard thing to pin down because fascist governments only existed for a very brief flash in the historical pan and only in … Read more

The “Fascist” Ad Hominem As an Act of Projection

A definition of “projection” is when one baselessly accuses others of doing something unsavory, immoral, or illegal that he is actually doing. For example, a thief who, without proof, accuses others of being thieves. This is what socialists do when they call their intellectual and political opponents “fascists” or compare them to Hitler. Fascism is socialism, as … Read more

Mussolini’s Fascism Looks A Lot Like The Biden-Harris Administration

At the end of WWI, Europe went from three republics to thirteen. There was a hustle and bustle to embrace constitutions and parliamentary government all amidst the economic, societal, and cultural ruin of a war that completely redefined the political lines of a region that had known little but authoritarian rule. Russia’s response was Bolshevism … Read more

Heil Diversity … Heil Equity … Heil Inclusion

Which ‘ism does today’s New Hampshire Democrat Party most resemble (‘ism meaning a manifestation of socialism or collectivism or communism or whatever appellation you prefer to describe a system of government where under the guise of serving “the common good,” or achieving “equity” or “social justice,” or some other pretext the citizenry is conned and … Read more


The Leftists Calling Us Fascists Doth Protest Too Much

When Ed wrote this (Yes, “They Are The Fascists” … But It Has Little To Do With Censorship), my first thought was that he would be referring to what I wrote here (They Are The Fascists).

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cars trafficPhoto by Musa Haef on Unsplash

“Ban Weekend Driving To Meet ‘Climate Goals'” Was Not The Dumbest Thing Said by The German Government, Last Week

Germany, like Vermont, has some problems. They are both scrambling to meet arbitrary and unnecessary emissions targets. Stop laughing; they think this is serious. And like Vermont, Germany has unworkable laws with rules to get there from here, because the world might end if they can’t agree on how to massage or cheat them.

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Night Cap: Fascism Starts With Censorship

If you have followed along with what is happening in Brazil, you might start reflecting on what is going on in New Hampshire and see how fascism starts. It’s not a left versus right problem, even if it ends up resulting in far-right totalitarianism. It’s a problem that spawns from a need to control the narrative to cover up gross corruption—kleptocracies.

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Mao Little Red Book

Some Clarity on What it Means When The Left Cries, Fascism!

I’m trudging through a book on Marxism and Fascism. It’s a good read. I’ve just been doing a lot of other things. Picking at it. But what I’ve gleaned so far reinforces details from other sources. Fascism isn’t just anything to the right of Socialism, which is everything.

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The Expansion of The Tyrannical Admininstrative State is In Overdrive – Can It Be Stopped?

The 1948 Administrative Powers Act gave the Executive Branch, 75 years down the line, the Powers to be its own Government. I hate Congress for passing it and, in doing so, making itself irrelevant. Congress can’t even do their primary jobs anymore.

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The Lefts Political Spectrum 2.0

A Quick Word about The Democrat Party’s Fascism

In the late 50s into the 60s, Mao’s Communist China was convinced that the USSR had devolved into some pro-Bourgeoisie fascism. It was a significant point of disagreement. All it was was something other than Mao’s Marxism, and that interpretation is accurate for everything on the political left.

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House Session

Know Your Enemy … I Doubt The NHGOP Does

To defeat your enemy you must know your enemy, and know yourself … said Sun Tzu. The NHGOP, however, doesn’t appear to even recognize that the enemy is the enemy and not the “loyal opposition,” “our colleagues on the other side of the aisle” blah, blah, blah. More specifically, dear NHGOP, Matt Wilhelm … who … Read more

Flag canada Photo by Hermes Rivera on Unsplash

O Canada … Justin Trudeau Puts Out The Welcome Mat For Democrats

Canada continues its rapid descent into open tyranny. Trudeau must be an inspiration to the Democrats. Hopefully they’ll find it so inspiring that they move to Canada and NEVER come back. The latest assault on human rights from Canada’s tin-plated, delusional, full-on facsist dictator Castreau:    


Hey Dummies … Fascism IS Socialism

In the alternative universe that the Left inhabits, the fascists are on the right side of the political spectrum, while the socialists are the middle or the center-left. WRONG, WRONG, WRONG.

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Christmas Manger Star Geralt Pixabay Christmas-savior-birth-2874137 FI

We Have All Lost Our Way

It will soon be Christmastime and I am always transported to my childhood, a time of gorgeous sunsets and those thoughts of limitless success now fading as the ever-deepening recession eats up food, sundries, and retirement money alike. As the snow fell outside, in a room illuminated by a yellow electric candle reflected on frosty … Read more


If You’re Looking for Fascists May I Suggest a Mirror?

If you are committed to calling your political opponents fascist, you might want to take a moment to understand what that means.

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What_Is_Fascism Market Business News

Notable Quote – WHO Are the Ones Acting like the Fascists They Decry?

If there are Fascists in America these days, they are apt to be found among the tribes of the Left. They are Mr. Biden and his people (including the lion’s share of the media), whose opinions have, since Jan. 6, 2021, hardened into absolute faith that any party or political belief system except their own … Read more

Democrat Donkey logo

We Are All in Trouble If We Don’t Stop This Now

Law-abiding citizens are being purposely mislabeled with words to sow confusion and potentially make us criminals. Maybe you may know that in the Hebrew language, every letter has a meaning or definition tied to it. We need to pay close attention to every word the Left is trying to change.

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syringe vial liquid injection vaccination

Covid Jab still Required to Work

Even though the Covid Jab is still experimental, and despite the Nuremberg Code AND the grim results from the Jab, companies are still requiring it to be able to work.  A friend sent me this:

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woman tape redhead silence free speech

Germany Has it, The American Left Wants It – And This is What it Looks Like …

The American Left has been spit polishing its jackboots for years for a moment like this and if we didn’t have the First Amendment AND a Supreme Court committed to defending it (9-0 in most cases), this would be happening to many of us right now.

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