If You're Looking for Fascists May I Suggest a Mirror? - Granite Grok

If You’re Looking for Fascists May I Suggest a Mirror?


If you are committed to calling your political opponents fascist, you might want to take a moment to understand what that means.

Democracy, for its own sake, as an example, is much closer to fascism than the Constitutional Republic to which most Republicans pay lip service. And saying someone is a threat to Democracy is not the insult you suggest unless you have evidence that their inclinations are more authoritarian than mob rule.

Remember that there is no right, left, or center when measuring for the authoritarian tick. There is more personal or individual liberty or less.

Fascists believe a few things, but all of them centralize authority. There is no fascist mind that would embrace individual choice over government preference. If you think the Federal Government is the best arbiter of things outside the few enumerated in the US Constitution, you are on your way to being a fascist.

Perennial one-party rule is fascist, especially when you use the State FBI, CDC, NIH, NSA, IRS, DOJ, DHHS… to secure or ensure it.

And yes, there are budding fascists across the spectrum, but the majority are center-left because that’s where centralizing power and authoritarianism find the most support.

If you object to that and are looking for the right sort of Republican to support in the upcoming primary, general election, or any election, ask them this question.

On what should our elected or appointed public officials be most focused when considering legislation, orders, or actions of any kind? Public Health, Public Safety, Public Order, Social Justice, Women’s Health, Gender Justice, or protecting liberty*?

If you didn’t say protecting liberty, grab a mirror.




*Note: I’m not referring to the extreme Liberatrain notion. Anarchy (as an example) does not protect liberty. 
