A Quick Word about The Democrat Party’s Fascism

In the late 50s into the 60s, Mao’s Communist China was convinced that the USSR had devolved into some pro-Bourgeoisie fascism. It was a significant point of disagreement. All it was was something other than Mao’s Marxism, and that interpretation is accurate for everything on the political left.

Fascism, or National Socialism, is Marxism/Communism/Leninism in any form that some other Marxists deem not Marxism.

Some modern Marxists may love China’s current version of Communism with Chinese Characteristics, but China’s Marxist brain trust a few decades earlier would name it a Fascist nation.

Joe Biden’s America is nearly a fascist nation by these standards or striving to be one. Fascist Governments are (simplified) communists who control property and production without owning it. But one could argue that given the character of Biden’s Administration and the goals of elected Democrats, the plan is to use fascism as a vehicle for Marxism while accusing everyone to their right (The way China had) of being the fascists.


The Lefts Political Spectrum

No, the American Federal Government does not own or control the means of production, but they have oligarchs in Energy, Public Health, and increasingly in other sectors of the economy. And the accumulation of our National debt creates an excuse for a massive confiscation of private property (to save the nation or something). To do that, they will need a police state mentality or its equivalent, and such despotisms are inherently fascist.

And they insist we are the fascists.


So, are we fascists? Our authors and readers seek as little government power as possible to ensure maximum liberty without the historical chaos of anarchy. More private property, not less. Their goal is fewer intrusions by the government into the private sector because they distort the free market and price signals, and so on.




In other words, US Democrats call us fascists because we are to the right of them (and as projection, yes), but as long as no one challenges their definition of what a fascist is until they show people what it is and by then, it will be too late.


The Lefts Political Spectrum 2.0

And they may still succeed, but there’s a problem. We have over 70 years of Marxist thought, which tells us that Fascists are just Marxists doing it wrong or not doing it correctly. We also know that Fascism, Socialism, and Democratic-Socialism all have the same goal. Marxism.

You only need to look at the power structure and methods of rule in each system to understand how closely related they are and how they share similar goals. What else can we do (and I mean, you, us, anyone) to help people understand these rudimentary facts?

It’s easy enough to see when you look at how they operate alongside each other. How do we break the Left’s Fascism narrative control and help people see the truth of it?

Anyone who disagrees with them is a fascist, no matter what their political inclinations.



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