
Island Nations Ask ICJ to Sanction Their Grift

We’ve done more scientific reporting on CO2 “driven” Sea Level Rise fraud than anyone in New Hampshire, perhaps all of New England (and then some). Even NOAA has admitted there’s no connection. But grifters gonna grift. COP29 and every COP before it existed to launder money from Western nations to whoever else they think needs … Read more

Soldiers helicopter

What Does The Deep State Have On Speaker Johnson?

She’s crazy!!! She’s unhinged!!! That is what they … the GOP Establishment, the Regime-Media, the Democrats, etc. … want you to believe about Marjorie Taylor Greene. Read her letter below. Actually, the people who are crazy are the people who believe the “MTG is crazy,” “MTG is unhinged” propaganda, and that it is she and … Read more

House as an ATM Original images by Phil Hearing and Jake Allen - Unsplash

Your House is My ATM

An interesting thing happened in Croydon on Saturday. At a special school district meeting, 377 people decided that the voters who attended the annual meeting in March hadn’t offered enough charity ($800,000) to parents of school-aged children, so they gathered to extort more (an extra $900,000) through the threat of force (give us the money, or we’ll take your house).

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Gavin Newsom

CA Gov. Newsom pulls a Washington Monument Syndrome moment

The “Washington Monument strategy” is named after a tactic used by the National Park Service to threaten closure of the popular Washington Monument when lawmakers proposed serious cuts in spending on parks. Roll Call calls it “an old legislative ploy where an agency threatens to close popular services first.” (H/T: Political Dictionary). And Gov. Gavin Newsom … Read more

mexico-caravan-abc news

My, don’t they feel….entitled? Illegal immigrant caravan “migrants” demand money to go away.

Last time I knew, that was call “extortion” (“nice country you have there, shame if we were to enter it”). Yup, that’s what they’re doing – people that shouldn’t be here, didn’t bother to follow our laws, making demands on no basis at all.  How about another choice: go home?  Oh, and note how they’ve learned the lingo from the American Left who holds that America is horrible (reformatted, emphasis mine):

Migrant group demand Trump either let them in or pay them each $50G to turn around: report

Two groups of Central American migrants marched to the U.S. Consulate in Tijuana on Tuesday with a list of demands, with one group delivering an ultimatum to the Trump administration: either let them in the U.S. or pay them $50,000 each to go home, a report said. Among other demands were that deportations be halted and that asylum seekers be processed faster and in greater numbers, the San Diego Union-Tribune reported. The first group of caravan members, that included about 100 migrants, arrived at the consulate around 11 a.m. Alfonso Guerreo Ulloa, an organizer from Honduras, said the $50,000 figure was chosen as a group.

“It may seem like a lot of money to you,” Ulloa told the paper. “But it is a small sum compared to everything the United States has stolen from Honduras.”

Right. Let’s see, 10,000 illegals X $50,000 works out to be $500 million – that’s not just “walking around” (pun intended) money.  Yet, they feel entitled for that

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SJWs – Holding student grades over a statue; er, about that Power Imbalance they keep yammering about?

It is the end of the semester; my students did their final semester project Presentation and last night I finished up with the giving them their final grades.  One more “activity” done – six still left on the plate but this really will free up a lot of time (about a day to 2 days a week). Another month and one more will be done as well (but much less time has been spent on that this year).  So, in surfing around, it looks like others are also tallying up their students’ grades – and one set of SJWs are looking to use their students’ grades as a political cudgel (translation: no boundaries in conducting political warfare and it doesn’t matter who they hurt; reformatted, emphasis mine):

Teaching assistants at the University of North Carolina have threatened to hold up to 2,200 grades if school officials do not reconsider their plan for the controversial “Silent Sam” statue. This past Monday, UNC officials announced the memorial to Confederate soldiers would be housed in a new campus facility. That evening, protesters took to the streets to voice their displeasure. On Friday, activists announced online that 79 teaching assistants had signed a petition in opposition to the Silent Sam plan, and indicated they would “withhold [the] grades” if Chancellor Carol Folt and the UNC Board of Trustees did not relent.

I believe that the operative word is extortion – and they should be legally treated as extortionists!  All over the “Silent Sam” (an unknown Confederate soldier) statue that was toppled by student / SJW vandals because SLAVERY!  Anything they deem to be “wrong” must be destroyed, erased, and thrown down the Memory Hole – not just put somewhere else.

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Union Thuggery -Coming Soon To A State House near You.

WI ThugsI was just thinking back to all the loose talk from the left about ending the gun ban in the New Hampshire State House.  How they imagined someone just unloading over testimony supporting same sex marriage–to use one example–kids getting cut down in the cross-fire.  And how they fell over themselves trying to scare parents into keeping their children from ever visiting the place because it was now just too dangerous.

Then I look at the way the union run leftists in Wisconsin are acting.  How they are storming the state house, climbing in through windows, and forcing people to flee for fear of their well being.  These pro-union forces are pushing against state troopers trying to get past them.  Maybe being let in by union cops.  Just because they demand the ability to collectively bargain for benefits (not wages–they still have that privilege as far as I know.)

What is perhaps more instructive is that the left in New Hampshire supports them.  I’d bet money you will not hear a peep in opposition to any of this from the state leadership of the democrat party.  Nothing about State Senators running away like spoiled children.  Nothing about the hate speech, the Hitler signs, the threats or the aggressive mob tactics and intimidation.  They support that–and by their own rules support it through their silence.

So what of it?

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