Trump-Hating Porn-Star Lawyer Michael Avenatti Accused of Extortion, Embezzlement

Steve MacDonald

This wouldn’t typically rise to the level of a story we’d cover. But Michael Avenatti (a Democrat) has been a product of much content creation on these pages. Some of it related to politics and the President.

He brought a frivolous defamation suit against Mr. Trump and not only lost that suit his client (the porn star) had to pay Trump’s legal fees. He was accused then acquitted of domestic violence charges. He is facing charges as a tax cheat. And it has been reported that he’s a deadbeat dad. All while considering a run in the Democrat primary for president.

So, are we surprised that a federal prosecutor is accusing Avenatti of trying to extort as much as 25 million dollars form Nike?

Hey, the guys got bills to pay, right?

“As alleged, Michael Avenatti approached Nike last week with a list of financial demands in exchange for covering up allegations of misconduct on behalf of the company,” FBI Assistant Director in Charge William Sweeney Jr. said in a statement. “The lofty price tag included a $1.5 million payoff for Avenatti’s client and upwards of tens of millions of dollars for the legal services of his firm – services Nike never requested. This is nothing more than a straightforward case of extortion”

Avenatti is charged with “extortion, transmission of interstate communications with intent to extort, conspiracy to transmit interstate communications with intent to extort, and conspiracy to commit extortion.”

Avenatti met with Nike and said he’d release damaging details to the press that do billion in damages to their market-cap if they didn’t pay him millions of dollars. The details are about an investigation into the NCAA. Nike said screw you and called federal prosecutors.

Wait, There’s More!

As Avenatti was announcing his press conference to implicate Nike in a scandal, Federal Investigators announced,

“additional criminal charges against the lawyer for a separate matter. In that case, Avenatti was accused of embezzling a client’s settlement money to pay his own expenses and debts — as well as those of his coffee business and law firm.”

And the only reason this isn’t all over cable news (or even local news) 24/7/365 is that he hates Trump and is a Democrat.

| Fox News


  • Steve MacDonald

    Steve is a long-time New Hampshire resident, blogger, and a member of the Board of directors of The 603 Alliance. He is the owner of Grok Media LLC and the Managing Editor of, a former board member of the Republican Liberty Caucus of New Hampshire, and a past contributor to the Franklin Center for Public Policy.

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