EV charging electric vehicle

No Plan in Place for Gas to EV Conversion

You expect the government to be dysfunctional, but how they are trying to force America to Electric Vehicles is setting a new low in long-range thinking. To make matters worse and more confusing, are the number of states passing laws forbidding the sale of gasoline-powered automobiles in as few as thirteen years. You can make … Read more

Well, when private enterprises build their business plan around Obama bailouts, the end is almost certain.

by Skip

Well, there were a few posts that I had started and didn’t finish before ‘Grok 1.0 gave up the ghost (or, if really old, just plain forgot about them)….this is one.

I  had really thought that the Aptera was a pretty cool looking car (yes, the Eldest, the Youngest, and TMEW DO put up with me) – the idea that it was an EV or a high mileage vehicle was pretty much secondary (interesting, but secondary).  Safety rated, nice looking, and geeky – yes, I would have tried to buy one.  But, am not going to ever have the chance – the money ran out:

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