A Reality Check For Electric Vehicles in the Real America

Electric Vehicles (EVs) have always been a boutique item for well-to-do virtue signalers. Even with gobs of taxpayer-backed incentives (the well-to-do take but don’t need), most EVs are still too expensive for average Americans. But the Left is obsessed, and while that is bad for you, this might be worse.

They are not better for the environment. The average total carbon cost of ownership is higher than a gas-powered vehicle. And not just the mythical CO2 phantoms the progs insist are wrecking the planet. Lithium is messy, battery manufacture is messy, replacement is cost-prohibitive, and disposal is messy. No one wants to talk about it or hear it, even the so-called greens.

And while those lies are bad, this could be worse because it is a simple, practical problem with potentially dire consequences.

Related: A Career Progressive Brings Bad News – There is no ‘Green’ in Electric Vehicles


Revealed via email:

If all cars were electric and were caught up in a three-hour traffic jam, most would have dead batteries! Then what?

Not to mention that there is virtually no heating in an electric vehicle. And if you get stuck on the road all night, no battery, no heating, no lights!!! You could try calling 911 to bring women and children to safety, but the responder cannot even get to you since the road is blocked by “dead” cars!!! And when the roads finally become unblocked no one can move! How do you charge the thousands of cars whose batteries ran down while caught in a traffic jam?

Same problem (but without the cold) can occur during summer vacation trips when there are miles of traffic jams around popular destinations. The car’s motor may not be drawing power when one is standing still, but the air conditioning, entertainment system and lights are. Extended delays may cause cars to run out of “fuel” and contribute to the traffic blockage.

But nobody talks about that, of course, ever wonder why?

Again, I’m just thinking outside the box on this subject, but would recommend you don’t accept what they tell you, investigate and ask questions, you will be surprised how much you will learn or at the very least cause you to ponder about the subject matter!


I tracked the source back to this site, but it’s no longer there, and they share content, so I can’t properly attribute the author. But what they say is one of the most sensible things on the subject I’ve read.

I’ve covered nearly every topic on EVs, including range, but this – I don’t believe we’ve touched on it, and we should have.

This heating thing is a big problem.

I checked the Tesla forum, and there’s no easy answer. Whether in a traffic jam or stuck on the side of the road in a snow or ice storm, you’ve become the power problem from the Movie Apollo 13. It’s about tradeoffs, and eventually, you run out of juice.

No easy fix.

It all depends on the state of charge at the time, the temperature, and how far you are from an accessible power source. There’s no simple solution to the mass traffic jam problem. Miles of cars running out of charge. It’s a mess, and the author is correct.

We need to talk about that because there is a solution, and the Left had suggested it. End travel and transportation as we know it. This suggests to me that the point of pushing everyone into EVs is not to save the planet (because they are not cleaner) but to control us.

That’s what we’ve been saying the entire Climate Cult Agenda was always about.


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