NH Constitution

A Bleg – I thought this was a great idea at the time

by Skip

And I still think it is. However, ideas are good only if action is put behind them. So with us now in the middle of this Government Overreach Pandemic, here is the idea: We need to setup a clearinghouse of all these infringements into our Constitutional and Civil Rights. Then, after what should be a … Read more

ReOpenNH - NH Way Voluntary Isolation for the at risk Common sense for all

ReOpenNH Concord Rally – Interview with the Group of Four

by Skip

That would be four current or former NH State House Representatives. To a person, they too are unhappy with how Government is treating its citizens even as the current data is saying that its actions are too far. Yes, it was loud and a couple of these folks are, well, softspoken. The horns going by … Read more

ReOpenNH - Free to stay in your house

ReOpenNH Concord Rally – MicroInterview with Ed Naile

by Skip

Ed Naile is the Chair of the Coalition of NH Taxpayers (CNHT) and has been around a LONG time helping out watchdogs and whistleblower type citizens and helping them to correct what they believe to be municipal malfeasance. Here he’s got a nice little story to tell: Please subscribe to our Youtube Channel – either … Read more

Can Electoral College Voters Be Compelled

Vacancies on the Federal Bench

There are too many vacancies on the federal bench. Why is that? What kind of judicial-confirmation progress should we expect during the rest of the 116th Congress? We’ve known since Trump took office that the Democrats called for war on judicial nominees. Thanks to National Review for the by presidency statistics. Why is there a … Read more

On September 20th You’re Going to Get a Message from the President

On September 20th around 2:20 pm ET your cell phone will get an emergency alert from the President of the United States. Don’t worry. This is only a test.

WASHINGTON – The Federal Emergency Management Agency, in coordination with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC), will conduct a nationwide test of the Emergency Alert System (EAS) and Wireless Emergency Alert(WEA) on September 20, 2018 (primary date) or October 3, 2018 (secondary date).

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