A Bleg – I thought this was a great idea at the time

by Skip

And I still think it is. However, ideas are good only if action is put behind them. So with us now in the middle of this Government Overreach Pandemic, here is the idea:

We need to setup a clearinghouse of all these infringements into our Constitutional and Civil Rights. Then, after what should be a Red Tsunami, put amendments in the State Constitution to define the necessary emergency powers (if any), how they are enabled, and how they cease. If there aren’t any really necessary emergency powers for a pandemic, then put in an amendment defining that.

(H/T: Bryan W)

We’ve already gone over a lot of what would be infringements here at the ‘Grok – it needs to be curated for this. I am asking you folks, as a crowdsourcing action, to come up with more instances here in NH. Perhaps other areas as well (in the vein of 50 laboratories of Democracies – we need to learn from others’ mistakes). Then after having aggregated all of the needed instances (by category, by action, by in-action, by…..you get the picture), there will be a need to go to the relevant RSAs both emergency statutes and well as “ordinary” ones and figure out:

  • which should be changed
  • how to modify them so they can’t abused
  • remove those needing to be tossed
  • IF necessary, new ones to make those values stick

Abused, you say? Yes – with the standard of no longer allowing local and State ordinances, regulations, and statutes to abuse the values of Freedom and Liberty ensconced in the NH Constitution. Here’s one from the present:

Now that the data has come in, the vast majority of the State, Liberty is being held hostage by allowing people NOT in

    • Hillsborough
    • Rockingham
    • long term nursing care facilities (home, sadly, of 77% of all Chinese Flu deaths)

to go about their business unfettered by an overbearing Stay At Home executive order.

So, anyone interested?

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