Pay-and-Pray Funding

Imagine that you go to a mechanic because you have a problem with your car. He says:  Give me several thousand dollars up front, and leave your car.  And when you come back for it, maybe it will be fixed.  Maybe it will be in worse shape, although that doesn’t usually happen.

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Frank Edelblut at the Belknap County Republicans

Frank Edelblut Should Get Back in the Race

In September, Education Commissioner Frank Edelblut spoke to the Brentwood Republican Committee. I don’t hang out there, but Frank had just announced his non-candidacy for Governor, and a neighbor and fellow Grokster was aching to understand the skullduggery behind the move and offered me a ride to the event.

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School Bus Photo by Austin Pacheco on Unsplash

Political Accountability Isn’t

Recently, I came across yet another in a long line of calls for ‘holding accountable those who are supposed to serve us.’  In this case, the writer was talking about public schools. Yes, we should definitely do that.  We should hold accountable the people who operate our public school system.

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Where Talking Llamas Teach Kids the “F” Word

In September 2021, the voters in the district for Windham Elementary School narrowly voted to close the school, which only has a little more than a dozen students, allowing those students to instead participate in Vermont’s “tuitoining” school choice system.

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Sherm Packard yelling at protesters that are on his side WMUR screenshot

The True True Cause Of Failed Education In New Hampshire

So I just read (11/4 – 10 am-ish) this post titled The True Cause of Failed Education in New Hampshire which argues that the “true cause” is the Chairman of the House Education Committee. Apparently, the Speaker has NO IDEA that Rick Ladd is a RINO … which I thought was COMMON KNOWLEDGE … and … Read more

The True Cause of Failed Education in New Hampshire

First, let me say that I am writing this for all the right reasons and, likely, at considerable expense to myself. What I am about to tell you will not be received well by those with more power than me. I am not taking the typical political move of cowardly leaks and anonymity – I am putting my name on this.

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Want School Systems That Work?

by Skip

If you want school systems that work, start by getting rid of teachers’ unions. They are a Special Interest racket to enrich adults and do not better the educational system for the benefit of kids. Doubt me?

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By Civility, I Mean…

Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona recently said that while he doesn’t have a problem with differences of opinion, he feels that things have changed regarding the tone of conversations about education.  In the past, he says,

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