Elizabeth Ruediger: The “Hillary Clinton” of the North Country

Whoopie Goldberg famously said, in defense of Roman Polanski, it wasn’t rape-rape. That was dumb but not unprecedented. Liberals are still making excuses for Bill Clinton nearly 25 years along. Hillary’s terror campaign against the “bimbo eruptions” is legendary. Bill did “stuff.” Hillary destroyed the victims. Always paint the accused as needy, desperate, then bitter.

This brings me back to North Country Democrat Jeff Woodburn who while innocent until proven guilty has his own Hillary Clinton.

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“North Country Democrats” Choose Politics Over People on Woodburn Assault

We’ve talked about Jeff Woodburn’s domestic assault charges. We have covered the differing responses from the Democrat Party and the faithful. The Public responses.

Behind the scenes, at least up in the North County, the victim is not viewed kindly. Politics, it appears, comes before people and these individuals are not waiting to blame the victim of Jeff Woodburn’s alleged assault if Democrats lose a State Senate Seat.

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