Dianne Feinstein, in introducing yet another gun-grab bill, declared that ‘assault weapons’ are ‘weapons of war.’ Of course, by this point, the pro-rights reflex is to shout back: No they’re not! And then to start listing all the other uses for what are more accurately called semi-automatic sporting rifles.
Diane Feinstein
Never Let Them See You Cry
Well, the smoke of the Kavanaugh campaign battlefield has cleared a bit and we are now conducting after-action reports. One of the purposes of such a report is to gauge both ours and the enemy’s strengths, weaknesses, acquisitions and damages as a result of the battle, to conclude their current operational status. A key gauge … Read more
Why Wasn’t Feinstein Spied On When the FBI Discovered her Driver was a Chinese Mole
A few years ago the FBI notified a ranking US Senator on the Intelligence committee that her long-time Chinses driver was, in fact, a spy. The individual was fired though we’ve no idea how many sensitive conversations they shared over those many years.
I bring this up because that’s what the FBI does, or did until they discovered ‘Carter Page’ a man accused of having ties to the Kremlin when he was in the orbit of the Trump campaign.
Reason After Newtown
“Prejudice is what fools use for reason…” —Voltaire
Milwaukie County Sheriff David Clarke has made a “Public Service Announcement” that has drawn the ire of liberals everywhere. Sheriff Clarke, in the wake of Budget cuts and autere measures, isn’t whining about it. Instead, he states the sober and honest realities and asks citizens to be pro-active in helping address the crime issue. See the ad below:
Bloomberg View Columnist, and National Review Senior
So, what’s the reaction been to the gun grabbers? Lots!
Once the horror of the tragedy of Sandy Hook set in, the two sets of folks I figured would appear right away, did. The gun grabber group are certainly not letting a crisis / tragedy go to waste – tomorrow, the Chiefest one will be unveiling the details of her legislature tomorrow (via her past … Read more
On Anti-Gun Zombies And Purposeful Ignorance
“One cannot legislate the maniacs off the street… these maniacs can only be shut down by an armed citizenry. Indeed bad things can happen in nations where the citizenry is armed, but not as bad as those which seem to be threatening our disarmed citizenry in this country at this time.” —Col. Jeff Cooper, USMC, Firearms Instructor, Writer, Patriot
A Flaming Liberal recently posited this to my friend and colleague Steve Mac Donald:
“So tell me, Steve — do we need “open carry” to defend ourselves? Do we need machine guns to defend ourselves? Do we need clips that allow pumping out 100 bullets in a minute to defend ourselves? Do Legislators need to be armed in the State House? Is there no limit to any of it?”
I always love questions such as this. Picture a croissant-eating vegan
“I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed…”
An Open letter from Marine Cpl Joshua Boston to US Senator Diane Feinstein.
Senator Dianne Feinstein,
I will not register my weapons should this bill be passed, as I do not believe it is the government’s right to know what I own. Nor do I think it prudent to tell you what I own so that it may be taken from me by a group of people who enjoy armed protection yet decry me having the same a crime. You ma’am have overstepped a line that is not your domain. I am a Marine Corps Veteran of 8 years, and I will not have some woman who proclaims the evil of an inanimate object, yet carries one, tell me I may not have one.
The Gun Ban song
(H/T: Kit Up!)
US Progressive Senator Diane Feinstein – Yup, she’s got confiscation in her bill. Gun removal by regulation.
At the Corner, a snippet of an interview with Samuel L. Jackson
Q: This movie has a fair amount of gun violence and can be a bit flippant about it. Does that give you pause in the wake of what happened in Connecticut?
A: I don’t think movies or video games have anything to do with it. I don’t think [stopping gun violence] is about more gun control. I grew up in the South with guns everywhere, and we never shot anyone. This [shooting] is about people who aren’t taught the value of life.”
It seems that Progressives like Diane Feinstein have not understood that simple phrase. The problems that we see in mass murders (or single murders, or any other crime committed against another) is either one of a mental illness (who shoots their Mom or defenseless little kids as in Newtown?), or the latest where that previously incarcerated oldster (for killing his mom with a hammer) proclaimed “do what I do best – kill people – just plain black as night Evil. Or those that simply wish what others have for either the reasons of “I want what they have” and justify it with “they don’t need it” (just like Progressives / Liberals / Democrats) – its about control.
Diane Feinstein combines that latter part, control, with another. That is, Progressives so untrust their fellow citizens, they feel that they have the mandate to take away “all the toys” because we, the “unprogressed”, “uncivilized”, “uneducated”, stubborn, selfish, should-be-demonized ungrown-up child-citizen should not be allowed to have guns simply because those things either 1) insult their sensibilities (as guns do) or 2) have a longer range motive in mind.
As to #1, if “we” won’t cooperate and compromise with the Progressives as they head us from being the Land of the Free to that of the Land of We Submitted to Despotism, they will keep at changing the laws and changing the regulations to enforce their way to their Utopian version of Freedom (“you are free to do what we allow you to do – it’s not just for the common good but it’s good for you too – you’ll see!). Yes, it was enable citizens to protect themselves and their families at a personal level.
And more; from Soldier Systems comes this retweet:
No Firearms Ban Coming? Think Again.
“If I could have banned them all – ‘Mr. and Mrs. America turn in your guns’ – I would have!” —California Senator Diane Feinstein, appearing on NBC News’ 60 Minutes, February 5, 1995
When reading the above quote, which time was Senator Feinstein being sincere? When she said this in 1995? Or, when she said recently,
(This legislation) will be carefully focused on the most dangerous guns that have killed so many people over the years while protecting the rights of gun owners…”
“While protecting the rights of gun owners” says Senator Feinstein. Which is it?
Yes! The Anti-gun left in America is speaking out and their talking points go something like this:
Harry Reid – “Guns Bring Us Together”
Here is Mr. Reid waxing nostalgic on the days when he carried a gun everywhere he went and on how shooting sports brought families together.
And on the jump, Diane Feinstein for self defense – before she evolved.
Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA): “The Rights of the few…”
Every Sunday, I DVR the talking head shows. This week was more arduous than most because we already knew what the topic du show were going to be: Newtown and the horrific event that happened there. Knowing, too, who was going to be on the shows, I heard exactly what I thought I would – call for increased gun control under the stereotypical Progressive rubrics of “Nobody needs that” and “I don’t know anyone that…” as if on their worldview, only their “acceptable” items should be purchased under some strange definition of “Freedom”. But that wasn’t the worst of it – my eyes nearly popped when I hear Senator Diane Feinstein (D-CA, San Francisco) say the following on “Meet the Press” (emphasis mine):
Is this the way we want America to go? In other words, the Rights of the few overcome the safety of the Majority? I don’t think so! I think America is ready (on her intent to submit a gun control bill on the first day of the next session).
The “Rights of the few” – funny, I always thought that Rights were an innate part of the ALL simply because they are US Citizens. Perhaps I am just too old school for these fascist Progressives – I do believe in what the Founders wrote that our Rights are given to us by our Creator and Nature’s God and not just a bunch of legislators yammering away. Sadly, she is from the philosophical Left that only believes that when it is conducive to their argument of the day.
No, Ms. Feinstein, it is NOT the “Rights of the few” –