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Washington Post

WashPo – By the Way, That Story We Wrote About Trump Was a Lie

Remember that time, at journalism camp, on selective editing day, when you learned to take someone out of context for partisan interests. It was a crowded class. Lots of “reporters” there, including people from the Washington Post, where democracy doesn’t die in darkness; it gets shivved in broad daylight.


Notable Quote – WHOSE “Democracy”?

Reformatted, emphasis mine: Who’s a Threat to ‘Our Democracy’? When progressives single out threats to ‘our democracy,’ what they mean is their democracy.

unhinged democrats

Are Socialists for Democracy or Tyranny?

Conservatives are destroying democracy. You have probably heard this Leftist talking point many times. The response to this claim is: “We’re not a democracy, we’re a constitutional republic.” This leads to an important question: Are there any differences between the two, and if so, why do they matter?

Democracy is tyranny.

Democracy is Tyranny

Democracy is tyranny. It was true in ancient Greece and it is true today. America was designed to foster a spirit of freedom. The nation, through the Constitution, as written, promotes enterprise among its people. The U.S. Constitution intends to thwart tyranny from majority rule. America is a free-market society.

Democrat Appeasement of the Squeaky Wheels

Have the squeaky wheels taken over?

Here in America, as in all free societies, we’ve always functioned under a simple, but essential concept – the principle of majority rule.  It has its flaws, but it’s vastly superior to totalitarian regimes, dictatorships, and oligarchies.