The Shrill Kathy On Fame And Infamy

“Let your family, staff, and friends know that you’re still the same person, despite all the publicity and notoriety that accompanies your position.” —Donald Rumsfeld 

Kathy_Sullivan_Shrill_KathyKathy Sullivan, in an opposite editorial yesterday asked in the Union Leader, “Is Bill O’Brien really better known than Franklin Pierce? Naturally, this was yet another hit piece on Bill O’Brien. Ben Franklin once quipped, “Any fool can criticize, condemn and complain – and most fools do.

Politics meets social science. Result?  A conflation of unintended consequences… the outcomes of which were neither foreseen nor intended.  It was the

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CT State Officials: Only Handguns Were Used in Newtown

“History is a set of lies agreed upon.” —Napoleon Bonaparte NO AR-15, WAS USED IN THE NEWTOWN MASSACRE,  CT Officials are now reporting. Adam Lanza weeks earlier attempted to purchase a rifle but was turned away, however in the background check.  Fact is, Lanza  did kill his Mother to steal her rifle. There were initial reports, … Read more

HB 135: Legal Eagles Will Second Guess

“It’s hard to know exactly how people develop the characters they do. There could be people from humble beginnings that turn into jerks. Some characteristics are just part of that special soul of that human being.”   —David Maraniss 

Hundreds show up to voice their opposition to House Bill 135

House Bill 135 today in Concord. Ann M. Rice is the Deputy Attorney General for the State of New Hampshire. She appeared to testify for HB 135 in an effort to roll back the “stand your ground” provision passed by the last house.  Fine. whatever…it’s to be expected. Just another example of liberals thinking we the people are too stupid to exercise sound judgment.

So here we are…citizens jam-pack

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   “While Obama, the olive-branch poseur, has called for a restoration of ‘civility’ in Washington and liberal elites whine and whinny about the need for ‘no labels,’ class-warfare demagoguery has metastasized unchecked…”    Michelle Malkin 

Shrill. The word of this week. Instead of a movie theater or university campus, the Massacre was visited upon a grade school where children were utterly and defenselessly gunned down. Slaughtered. Literally overwhelmed by the power of a nut.

In the last forty years, the anti-gun debate arguments have remained the same. Totally unchanged. There exists no new or novel or compelling arguments. Only the zombie-like mantras, lies and confabulations from the anti-gun crowd, loudened only by the emotional crescendos of the willing dupes in the  liberal anti-gun lame stream media.

What has changed in the last forty years is gun ownership. More law-abiding citizens have taken to

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The Class Warfare Of Blue Hampshire

Caitlin fails to do an effective case study on wealth and liberalism while she waves a finger at Bill O’Brien because if she looked hard enough around the Granite State she would see the utter rank hypocrisy of leftists and their verbal articulation of progressive policies, while pursuing within their own personal lives a hard-core capitalist modus operandi that would make even Milton Friedman blush.



“Labor unions would have us believe that they transfer income from rich capitalists to poor workers. In fact, they mostly transfer income from the large number of non-union workers to a small number of relatively well-off union workers…”   ROBERT E. ANDERSON, Just Get Out of the Way


 CONCORD – Governor Lynch, true to his word vetoed HB 474, the right to work Bill recently passed out of the house and Senate.  Passed out of both the house and Senate, the bill has drawn the ire of the Union Hackarama far and wide. All of the pro-unionists came out in force to pontificate about being against the working men and women of this country; About people who will starve and go hungry; and when the rhetoric and false logic had no effect, They crowded hearing rooms and were disruptive with verbal outbursts. Despite all this bad behavior, rank demagoguery and cursing at lawmakers, the bill passed anyway.

Tom Fahey, Statehouse Bureau Chief for the Union Leader  writes, “Unions see the bill as a move funded by out of state interests to undercut their role in the workplace. (Unions) argue that the measure intrudes in labor-management relations,” in this morning’s UL article,GOP goes after right-to-work opponents.

Juxtapose that against Unions bussing in “volunteers” for Carol Shea-Porter’s campaign from, Lord-knows where; And, the Union interests from all around the country pumping big dollars into local campaigns, those hardly qualify as out-of-state interests? Leave it to Union mouthpieces to complain about the very thing that is not only pro forma for them, but done with absolute shameless impunity.

Governor Lynch and his union cronies, with their Machiavellian Template,  redefine the plain and ordinary meaning of words in the furtherance of their subterfuge. In his press release Governor Lynch chastises, “States should not interfere with the rights of businesses and their employees to freely negotiate contracts. That is unless there is a compelling public interest, and there is no compelling public interest in passing this legislation…” They would have us believe that somehow the veto of this bill is was advocacy for freedom.” Lynch would have us believe job seekers have this “freedom” already in place enabling them to be free from the yoke of the Unions. That is untrue, when an employee has to pay an agency fee to the coffers of the Union. That is essentially joining the Union by proxy.

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