Joe Biden – Boring but Dangerous

After months of promoting Joe Biden as an accomplished lawmaker, a gentleman politician, and a uniter, the best thing the media can say about him now is that he’s boring.  The New York Times published a recent article entitled “Voters Chose Boring Over Bombast…”

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Defunding the Police

Is Defunding the Police an Attack on America?

Heather MacDonald is the author of The War on Cops. She strips away the usual emotionalism from the issue turning to the statistics about the players and the situations she brings clarity to an emotional issue. The numbers are shocking.

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Police Protect

Defunding the Police – An Insane Solution to a Fabricated Problem

It’s really hard to understand how we got to where we are today.  The video of George Floyd’s death was deeply disturbing, but there has to be something else at work to bring about the widespread rioting, the wanton destruction of our national monuments, the vitriol directed at law enforcement officers, and the insane demands … Read more


The Democrats Are Accomplices to Chaos

It may be interesting to hear rational Democrats try to explain away the insane demands of their radical counterparts, but we really don’t need clarification.  When those radicals call for defunding and abolishing the police, they mean exactly what they say.

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Boehner is not listening

The republican House leadership seems to too timid to actually do what they promised and defund Obamacare.  So, I sent a letter to the leadership telling them they are not doing job one.  
The most leverage they will ever have to take away funding is by tieing it to the continuing resolution.  They are letting a rule they created get in the way of ending Obamacare funding. 
If you are as concerned as I am, you may wish to write a letter as well as make some phone calls.  Perhaps my letter which I will put below will give you ideas.  If it helps in anyway, that is fine with me.  Yes, I cc’d Guinta.   
Following the letter will be the addresses.

March 11, 2011
Dear Speaker Boehner, Leader Cantor, Congressman McCarthy, Congressman Price, and Congressman Sessions:

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