Where are the Nashua Democrats?

Last Saturday, we attended a Get Out the Vote (GOTV) rally on the Nashua Library Plaza featuring Congresswoman Ann Kuster and Democrat Gubernatorial candidate Dan Feltes. Only a couple of dozen people attended.

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Ryan Terrell

NH Executive Council Democrat votes on Ryan Terrell: Bigots and Racists

by Skip

So much for your Collective Wailing About Oppressed Minorities, eh Executive Councilors Volinsky, Pignatelli, and Cryans? Your vote on Ryan Terrell yesterday was proof that the Civil War / Jim Crow Southern Democrat racists are alive today in NH. All we’ve heard since the death of George Floyd have been Democrats saying that this needs … Read more

Governor Hassan’s Choice for AG is a Gambling Lobbyist And…

The NHGOP issued a press release in which it points out that…  Governor Hassan is considering nominating former casino lobbyist Lucy Hodder as Attorney General.  Hodder currently serves as legal counsel in Hassan’s office and previously served as the personal lobbyist for Millenium Gaming president William Wortman: Governor Hassan replacing her abruptly departing budget-questioning AG with … Read more

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