Vaccine covid 19 vials

Depopulation Speculations

This started out as an entry in a meme post, but it got long enough – and a truly serious enough topic with a lot to discuss – that IMHO it’s worth making a standalone post.  But first, please do recall my four essays on depopulation:

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clapper-board-Pixaby image


I am resurrecting my QUICK TAKES feature which, for those not aware, is a hat trick of things I’d like to comment on, but don’t really see them developing into full-blown essays of their own right.  As a sample, here are two (randomly selected) of my prior entries in this category:

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syringe vial liquid injection vaccination

Covid Jab still Required to Work

Even though the Covid Jab is still experimental, and despite the Nuremberg Code AND the grim results from the Jab, companies are still requiring it to be able to work.  A friend sent me this:

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Dark Thoughts in the Small Hours

Many years ago I read an article called The Three Conjectures, at PJMedia, the Belmont Club.  It’s about radical Islamists getting nuclear weapons and it did not paint a comforting picture.  I’ve struggled for years with that essay, desperate to find the flaw in the argument.  Thus far I have not.  I had a similar … Read more

We Trusted the Science - notice j

CARTOON: We Trusted the Science

I am not quite ready to come out of my hiatus hole with essays, but I had a cartoon concept that was so hard-hitting, with IMHO so much gut-punch impact, I have to get it out for viewing and – hopefully – dissemination.

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jfk peaceful and violent revolutions

Paging JFK…

I have watched many video clips of protests against Jab mandates globally, and see growing numbers of instances of police behaving like actual brownshirts, not the admirable men & women in blue that I’ve respected in the past – Australia being a most notable example, one video:

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