Happy Shwanzaa!

Hijacking an existing holiday to get some adherents for your new one is as old as time. And if you’ve no idea the exact date of the thing you are celebrating, then it makes sense to piggyback away. Eases the conversion process.

You can let the peeps pretend to participate in the new one while quietly revering the old, and at some point across time, the old one is “taught” or talked (or beaten) out of the culture.

Add to this Nancy Pelosi, who pretends to be a Catholic but ignores what it teaches, which – given how she dismisses her oath to the US Constitution – was easy enough to swing. She’s a piece of work whose stewardship in Congress has “left a dent” in America that we may not be able to pound back out.

She has (however), it’s rumored, been good to the liquor industry, and you’d be right to wonder if they were involved in this fiasco the way David DePape “was involved” in the assault on her husband. In her closing remarks before the House recessed for “The Holidays,” Nancy took a moment to ‘wish everyone a happy, healthy and safe new year, happy holidays, merry Christmas, happy Schwanza, happy Hanukkah… whatever it is you celebrate, be safe.’ 

A quick note to the Daily Mail. I believe the proper spelling is “Shwanzaa,” which may be a matter of editorial preference, like ignoring Pelosi’s wearing of the Kente Cloth scarf attributed to African slave traders in honor of George Floyd, a career criminal and drug addict who actually had a lot in common with the guy who invented Kwanzaa. A secular, “nonreligious” pan-African holiday” created by then violent, deranged, radical black nationalist (and alleged FBI Informant), Maulana Karenga (See also Ron Karenga).

Hey, we’re not judging who you choose as your spiritual advisor, but George chose Fentanyl, and it killed him.

Crazy Ron, on the other hand, correctly planted his “celebration” around the same time as the Winter Solstice, Yule, Saturnalia, Hanukkah, and Christmas (to name a few) though I suspect Festivus, another secular “holiday” (also) created in 1966, is more popular.

Nancy (her again?) is required by the gods of social justice to mention Kwanzaa (not Festivus), which she failed to do, instead creating a new holiday called Shwanza (or Shwanzaa) which, if I’m not mistaken, is inspired by limousine-liberals, who worship 90 or better proof alcohols, lying, scheming, and the laundering of tax dollars (to name a few).

The more familiar term for that “celebration” is Congress but hey, Happy Shwanzaa, and may the Schwartz be with you!



HT | Daily Mail

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