The Natural Escalation of Leftism’s Evolution

In a post of mine a few weeks back, when Captain Psycho P.h.d Orange Hair shot up a movie theater and ABC News then reflexively exhorted, “Tea Party! Tea Party! Tea Party!” with Tourette-like self control, I touched on something that I’ve been observing most of my life and only realized what it was and have been able to recognize it these past few years.  It is that the core of leftist, or liberal, ideology consists of the belief that everything is open to and subject to politics. Everything can, should, and, eventually, must be politicized.  Once something becomes political, it’s open to debate and thus can be modified.  This is what drives them “Forward,” as Lenin and Obama would say.

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Selective Intolerance

National day of intolerance,” glibly chided Shepard Smith of Fox News a few days ago in reference to the latest in the culture wars: the national Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day–geez, they’re so biased at Fox.  For those of you that pay more attention to the throwing of badminton matches, swim meets, or flies collecting on your dog’s latest masterpiece than to the culture wars, I’ll provide a little background. The Chick-fil-A issue revolves around remarks about gay marriage made by the president of that company, followed by a response by some mayors around the country, then followed with people in support of the restaurant with Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.  (This is still unfolding at the time of this writing, but I heard a “kiss-in” is to occur at some point. Stay tuned.)

To summarize the Chick-fil-A president’s opinion on gay marriage: he’s not for it, and for saying so, two notable mayors sounded off and said Chick-fil-A can’t set up shop in their cities. Way to show tolerance, guys!

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But You Are Still a “D”-Bag

douche bag:  (noun) “An individual who has an over-inflated sense of self worth, compounded by a low level of intellegence, behaving ridiculously in front of colleagues with no sense of how moronic he appears.”  —Urban Dictionary

Yesterday was Chick-Fil-a day! And a hateful CFO is getting canned?

by Skip

Update:  Yes, for the hate filled rant below, Adam Smith is no longer the CFO at Vante.  Thanks to the commentors for confirming it! “Always tastes better when it is full of hate!” All the way down to DC, I kept hearing how Conservative folks have been flocking (pun intended) to Chick-Fil-A outlets to support … Read more

New Hampshire Democrats Will Love This Idea

Democrats love rich people, when they are Democrats.  They take their money and give them taxpayer subsidized loans to prop up their failed business ventures.  They love working people, when they are in unions…baling out UAW workers at Car companies when you know that were it non-union Toyota or Honda–plants in America with American workers, they’d have been on their own.  And they love free speech as long as it speaks to their political advantage.   If you use your money or your speech to say things that run contrary to their agenda you are evil, selfish, a bigot, want people to die, a racist, buying up (local) elections, pushing grandma off a cliff, a monkey in the window, an Uncle Tom, a slut, whore, bitch, bag of meat, or worse.

(Have you noticed that Republican’s don’t do this? I’ve noticed.)

This Democrat hatred of the wrong kind of wealth or opinion was always present but burst from the seams when the Supreme Court overturned the unconstitutional McCain Feingold speech limitations, removing the gag placed there by Democrats and moderates who were gaming the system to their advantage.   This uncorking was followed almost immediately in New Hampshire by an amendment to HB1459 that would not only keep unfriendly money out of politics but empower third parties to do the intimidating for the Democrats so they wouldn’t even have to get their hands dirty .  With tax-paying business owners effectively silenced only the big money establishment players, the unions, and the left wing media (all exempt businesses engaging in paid political speech), would have the resources to deliver and maintain any consistent political messaging–and all of it predominantly center left, grow government first, speech.

Well there has been a new development in Chicago to silence speech that New Hampshire Democrats will love.

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