Guest Post by Scott Morales- “Atrocity, Mass Murder, Mayhem? It’s the Tea Party!”

GraniteGrok is proud to introduce Scott Morales to our pages.  He is a regular contributor over at Merrimack Patch but we liked his work so much we’ve invited him to share some of it here at GraniteGrok.


Atrocity, Mass Murder, Mayhem? It’s the Tea Party!

Is it really surprising that ABC jumped to Tea Party accusations, immediately tying them to the movie theater shooting in Colorado? Maybe to some. I mean, anyone not living in a left wing bubble can easily discern some characteristics of the pathetic psycho who opened fire during a Batman movie and place them on the political spectrum, but they do not do so. Most people do not and will not see this atrocity as a political statement or it being motivated by the crushing burden of Obamanomics, but the brilliant, perspicacious rogues that occupy the left will and do see this through the smudged, greasy lense of politics. This is because most don’t think in terms of politics, but the left does. So what is the motivation for those who do place all things on the political spectrum? What compelled ABC’s Brian Ross to insert the Tea Party into the story? Steve pointed to one possibility in this case, but I think it goes deeper.

To the left, everything is political because, as their ideology dictates, it must be. “Everything inside the State, nothing outside of the State,” one of their darlings stated early last century. It didn’t mean that the State must control everything, per se, but it must guide things, influence things, involve itself in things, which makes everything political. It’s not a new observation to correctly place the horrifying, utopian-seeking “ism’s” of the 20th Century (Fascism, Totalitarianism, Socialism, Pragmatism etc) on the left– defined as the Anglo-American left. This observation has been written about since at least the 1940’s with F.A. Hayek, then Russell Kirk, and really hit home by Voegelin and his “Immanentize the Eschaton”. The core of these “isms” is the belief that the state must be involved, that people left on their own will idle and whither without State’s Elite-o-crats prodding the chattel through history. You can see this in action all over the place without looking too hard: no Big Gulp’s or other large sodas in New York City because Herr Bloomberg decided they’re not good for you. Pretty soon: no Salt, no candy, no fun.

You’ll see more of this idiocy in response to this atrocity. They’ll look for a solution so that this never happens again. Don’t get me wrong. I and other conservatives don’t want a repeat of this lunacy either, but we acknowledge that humans are flawed and fallible and will always make mistakes and sin. This trait cannot be removed from human beings, no matter how hard we try, and to pretend otherwise is folly. It is the belief of the left that solutions are always at hand if we just listen to them. They pretend–no, actually, they’re convinced–that their brilliance will guide humanity to bring heaven to earth. “It is the other that is fallible, not I,” said the Statist silently to himself so as to not offend the rubes. So ban the guns, outlaw midnight shows, bulletproof the seats, and man theatres with TSA wannabes, complete with rubber gloves and lubrication. This will fix it, so we sacrifice some liberties. Big deal. That’s the price you must pay if you want to see a movie.

But OK, let’s play their game for a minute. Let us divine the wretched degenerate’s political proclivities. Let’s see: he’s over educated (Ph.d student), collects unemployment, looks like he colors his hair an odd color (orange), and, unless he’s running for an elected position in New York, he has an unusual perversion and is allegedly registered with a social networking porn site. Given those characteristics, where would you place this misfit in the political spectrum? Conservative, or more of a sad, invidious, self-indulgent, gimme, gimme lefty? You don’t have to answer. We know:0)

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