Customers Step Past Protesters who Staged Die-In at the Doors of a New Chick-fil-A

The fastest growing “fast-food” chain this century is Chick-fil-A, despite the outrage from the left. They try to ban them from liberal cities and airports, with protests galore. But the chain keeps growing.

I guess normal people love the food and the experience, even stepping over protesters staging a die-in for a taste of their chicken sandwich.

The grand opening of Chick-fil-A’s first international location in Toronto was met by a grand protest Friday by LGBTQ activists, who argued that the chicken-centric chain owner’s historically antigay policies will clash with the culture of Canada’s largest city.

Canadians who disagreed lined up as early as 6:30 am waiting for the 10:30 opening. And when the doors were unlocked they ignored the 100 or so LGBT protesters then walked around the eco-ninny folks staging a die-in at the front doors.

No protesters were harmed (physically) in the making of this success story. Any mental damage was likely preexisting as lines of hungry customers paraded in all day long.

The people of Toronto staging their own counter protest by voting with their wallets.

Plenty of drag queens and others who like to dress like a “chick” but hate a good chicken sandwich.

And, we must admit, cannot coexist while people who have religious objections (or any objection) to their lifestyle choices succeed, or even breathe by some accounts.

They are welcome to their opinion as long it is expressed peacefully. And Chick-fil-A appears to be a hit despite their outrage.

Chick-Fil-A plans to build 15 restaurants around the greater Toronto area, so they’ll have plenty of opportunity.

| RedState

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