DOT Investigates Religious Discrimination By Airports That Banned Chick-Fil-A

We didn’t cover the story much here, but at least two airports refused to allow Chick-Fil-A Restaurants in their facilities. The Federal Department of Transportation has taken note and is launching investigations into whether those decisions were based on Religious discrimination.

Related: Chick-fil-A – The Restaurant Libs Love to Hate Poised to Become #3 Chain in the Nation

The Daily Caller reports that,

“The Department has received complaints alleging discrimination by two airport operators against a private company due to the expression of the owner’s religious beliefs,” DOT said in a statement. “FAA’s Office of Civil Rights has notified the San Antonio International Airport (SAT) and Buffalo Niagara International Airport (BUF) that it has opened investigations into these complaints.”

Buffalo Niagara International blocked Chick-Fil-A after Democrat New York state Rep. Sean Ryan publicly opposed it as ‘not representing the values of Western New York.’ I lived there. They like a good chicken sandwich, Bigot!

The more famous of the two was, of course, San Antonio.

The San Antonio city council passed a motion March 21 to approve the Food, Beverage and Retail Prime Concession Agreement with Paradies Lagardère for the San Antonio International Airport with the condition that Chick-fil-A be excluded from the agreement.

Councilman Roberto Treviño, who initially made the motion against Chick-fil-A, claimed the fast food restaurant expressed “anti-LGBTQ behavior” and that the ban reaffirmed that San Antonio is a champion of “equality and inclusion.”

Leftists at their best. Chick-Fil-A serves everyone, and they do it with a smile. But here’s another dopey progressive proving me right, again! The Inclusion narrative is nothing more than an excuse to censor, silence and exclude on wholly partisan grounds. Which, in this case, is more than religious bigotry.

The left is deliberately trying to prevent them from earning a legal profit to reduce their contributions to groups and causes they oppose.

Rights, after all, are for people who think as they do but no one else.

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