Yesterday was Chick-Fil-a day! And a hateful CFO is getting canned?

by Skip

Update:  Yes, for the hate filled rant below, Adam Smith is no longer the CFO at Vante.  Thanks to the commentors for confirming it!

“Always tastes better when it is full of hate!”

All the way down to DC, I kept hearing how Conservative folks have been flocking (pun intended) to Chick-Fil-A outlets to support them since the militant gays are not too happy with the Dan Cathy’s stance (owner of the $4.5 Billion fast food chain) that he and Chick-Fil-A support traditional marriage – just like Obama did up until recently. They also are not groovin’ that he also gives money to such causes that support traditional marriage and Biblical teachings – what used to be considered good moral values until those that oppose them started squawking. Lines and lines of people waiting, sometimes for hours – another one of those “You are NOT alone” moment.

Well, it was NOT the Chick-fil-A CFO, but Adam Smith of Vante (who also teaches over at Eller in Arizona) for doing this.  Imagine the hate in HIS heart to hassle a poor worker and his attitude. “I don’t know how you live with yourself??”  I googled him and he is on the Exec Mgt team of Vante.  I wanted to call them to confirm that it was him, but I guess this clip has gone viral, and with lots of people calling, their server crashed.  “Can’t stand the hate”?  Guess his company can’t stand him!  Paul Wescott of WGIR that sent this to me is reporting that Vante has may have suspended this jerk (Paul is still checking and running this down)!

Liberals – they decry that Dan Cathy openly talks about his beliefs: he should keep quiet according to them.  Yet, as this Adam Smith shows, they have a double standard as to who can talk about their standards.  Conservative shut up – Liberals feel free to spout.

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