ROCHESTER, NH—UNH student and sixth-generation Rochester citizen Sam Farrington has announced his candidacy for the NH House, representing Rochester’s Ward 4.
Hartford Has An Activist Problem – Now They Know About it
Warner: Hartford Has An Activist Problem – Now They Know About it
Martin Luther King Jr. famously said:
“Vanity asks the question, ‘Is it popular?’
Expediency asks the question, ‘Is it politic?’
Cowardice asks the question, ‘Is it safe?’
But conscience asks the question, ‘Is it right?’
Taking Back the Future Starts with You!
America as we know it is on the verge of extinction and little can be done to stop it with the balance of power teetering in favor of the current administration.
Democrat Primary Voters Didn’t Like Harris But She’s Effectively their Nominee for President
The VP nominee is touting plans for a ‘Harris Administration’. Gaffe, faux pax, or stumble, it does make you stop and think. Almost everyone is speculating VP nominee Harris is going to take the Oval Office if the Dems win the general election.
Candidate: Vanessa Sheehan From Milford for the NH House
Milford, NH – On June 9, 2020, Vanessa Sheehan filed to represent Milford in the New Hampshire House of Representatives. Vanessa released the following statement:
Charlie Hall For NH State Representative – Nashua Ward 7
Nashua, NH- I am pleased to announce my candidacy for NH State Representative, representing Nashua Ward 7. I have lived in Nashua for 60 plus years, and in Ward 7 for more than 40 years.
The 603 Alliance Announces Training for State Rep Candidates
The 603 Alliance will be holding a two-day training for Republican State Rep candidates on June 27-28 from 9 AM-4 PM (both days) in Manchester. The training will cover the fundamentals of running a successful campaign for State Rep.
Jose’ E. Cambrils: Candidacy for NH State Representative
“I am seeking a seat in the NH House of Representatives because of my love for this great State of NH and more specifically the towns of Canterbury and Loudon.
RE: 603 Alliance Online Candidate Training Tomorrow- ‘Things you can do at home to prepare your campaign’
Tomorrow, April 2nd, the 603 Alliance will be holding their next online event for GOP State Rep Candidates: “Things you can do at home to prepare your campaign (PART 1).” There is still time to register for this online event.
Where the 10 Dem Candidates Stand on 5 Key Issues?
Soon we will find out where the Dem presidential candidates stand. The Democratic National Committee released the list of candidates qualified for the third round primary debates. The qualified candidates include: Biden, Sanders, Warren, Harris, Booker, Klobuchar, Buttigieg, O’Rourke, Castro, and Yang. This will be the first time all the candidates will share one debate … Read more
Joycie Craig Announces Candidacy For Governor of New Hampshire
This: Give me a break! Total semantics. Total weasel-words. Mayor Joycie is not committing to serve a full term if reelected Mayor of Manchester. Nor is she ruling out a run for Governor in 2020. “[N]ot considering” is more than leaving the door open a crack. It’s a completely meaningless, noncommittal statement that leaves the … Read more
Tim Vendt Announces Candidacy for the NH House – Boscawen (Merrimack County Dist. 8)
By Tim Vendt – Candidate, NH House.
I have been a resident of New Hampshire for fifty-seven years, moving to Twin Mountain in 1961 at the age of five when my parents moved there from Massachusetts.
I joined the US Navy in 1975 after graduating from High School in 1974 (White Mountains Regional High School) and was honorably discharged in 1981 as an Avionics Technician, Petty Officer, 2nd Class.
Obama Care Summed Up In One Sentence
This is Dr. Barbara Bellar, a candidate for the Illinois State Senate. She has managed to describe Obama-Care in just one sentence. H/T Ed Morrissey @Hot Air