Sam Farrington Announces Candidacy for the NH House of Representatives

by Op-Ed

ROCHESTER, NH—UNH student and sixth-generation Rochester citizen Sam Farrington has announced his candidacy for the NH House, representing Rochester’s Ward 4.

“I am proud to announce my candidacy for State Rep.” Farrington said, “I have made this decision because my future is at stake. When I look around, I am worried about where we are headed. I stand for values like family, faith, and freedom, all of which are under attack. As a young person, I have skin in the game because my future is on the ballot.” Farrington continued, “As Rochester’s next State Rep, I will fight to advance the interests of Granite Staters. My priorities include decreasing the overall tax burden, lowering the cost of living, increasing educational freedom, protecting the rights of parents in schools, and securing New Hampshire’s border.”

Sam comes from a large and well-known family. His Chesley Hill farm has been in the family since 1913. Over the past few years, Sam has stepped up to manage the property and oversee its renovation. He successfully negotiated with the USDA to secure conservation funding, transforming the estate into a beautiful scene with a successful hay operation.

Sam is an active member of his community. He graduated at the top of his class from Spaulding High School in 2022. He gives back to his city by serving as an American Legion baseball coach and volunteering at Howie’s Field of Dreams, which provides opportunities for challenged kids to play baseball.

“New Hampshire can’t take “Live Free or Die” for granted. We need to elect prudent conservatives with a new perspective to the State House so that we can protect this great state.”

To learn more about Sam or to contribute to the campaign, visit

May 31, 2024


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