Charlie Hall For NH State Representative – Nashua Ward 7


Nashua, NH- I am pleased to announce my candidacy for NH State Representative, representing Nashua Ward 7. I have lived in Nashua for 60 plus years, and in Ward 7 for more than 40 years.

I spent ten months attending the Legislative hearings in Concord. It was apparent to me that the voice of the people in Ward 7, Nashua, and in New Hampshire were not being heard or even considered.

  • I pledge to vote no on an income, sales, or business tax.
  • I believe in limited government, and I’m a pro-business advocate.
  • I am a NH families-first candidate because no one knows what is best for your family but you.

I attended Nashua schools and worked in Nashua for most of my adult life. I am a US Navy Veteran serving two tours in Vietnam. I have never run for or held a political office, but I believe my work and life experience make me uniquely qualified to represent Ward 7.

Let’s protect the traditional values of NH that make our communities safe, prosperous, and economically sound.

For immediate release: June 15, 2020
Contact: Charlie Hall 978-822-6604


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