The Social Justice Warrior / Cancel Culture arose out of the ideological hothouses of Colleges and Universities – it’s no wonder that the results below exist. Green is Yes, Yellow is No.
Cancel Movement
Stasi: Zersetzung is American Cancel Culture
When Zersetzung is upon you or your spouse, is suddenly beset by serial misfortune. Perhaps you are being cancelled.
Stasi: The East German Secret Police: An Overview, written on January 30th summarized how the “Ministerium für Staatssicherheit,” (MfS) operated from 1950 to 1989. Colloquially known as the, “Stasi,” this was one of the most effective and repressive secret police agencies ever to have existed.
Zersetzung: Biodegradation

The fifties and sixties in the GDR brought secret arrests, repression, physical torture and imprisonment. German civil law required warrants for detention and surveillance. Despite that, the Stasi regularly surveilled its citizens, arrested them surreptitiously and held them without charge or cause.
The 1970’s saw monumental concern from the Party apparatchik of the GDR over its international image on the world stage. Consequently, the Stasi sought to retool their operations to be more subtle with their repression. The birth of, “Zersetzung,” sought to provide the East German State with a more positive face in the international community.
New Addition to the ‘Grok “Stealing Campaign Signs” Hall of Shame: “Not One of My Better Moments”
We’ve been waiting a while on some paperwork outlining the EXACT disposition of this case but, like the trial, it has been delayed. Thus, not wanting to delay “closure” any more, here is the end result: Guilty Plea by one James Babcock.
A Tale of Cancel Culture – Daring to Question Black Lives Matter
The Left is vindictive and of a hive mind. Like a swarm of killer bees (as we’ve seen on GraniteGrok, the Bickfords in Gilford and newly elected NH State Rep Dawn Johnson of Laconia), they come from near and wide not to disagree with you in a debate, but to Silence you.
That “Woke” 30% is Calling the Rest of us RAAACISTS!
In this time of Black Lives Matter and the eternally offended if you aren’t with the Woke, Social Justice Warriors’ Narrative of Morality (and THEIR immoral and illiberal sense of morality is the only legitimate one), you’re every name in the book. Then say hello to the Cancel Culture, silencing, shut down, you name it.
The Co-Founder of the Moonlight Meadery in Londonderry Doesn’t Want Us to Exercise Free Speech
This is HILARIOUS! It seems that Berniece Van Der Berg, the Co-Founder – Vice President of Sales and Marketing for the Moonlight Meadery has a problem. She has brought us upon herself.
Notable Quote – Harlan Hill
What America is going through right now is not merely another, more intense round of “cancel culture.” We’re now in the midst of a full-force, totalitarian remolding of our society, one that seeks to place the petty resentments of an outraged minority of leftist activists above everything else in American life. Because of their willingness … Read more
New addition to the ‘Grok “Stealing Campaign Signs” Hall of Shame: Jim Babcock of Gilford – Part 5
So, to recap (again): Norm Silber (Grokster, retired Lawyer, former NH State Rep) signed up to run for the NH House again He planted a campaign sign on the corner of Salt Marsh Pond Road and Gilford Ave on public land Jim Babcock was seen stopping his pickup truck to throw Norm’s sign into his … Read more
New addition to the ‘Grok “Stealing Campaign Signs” Hall of Shame: Jim Babcock of Gilford Part 4
So, to recap (again): Norm Silber (Grokster, retired Lawyer, former NH State Rep) signed up to run for the NH House again He planted a campaign sign on the corner of Salt Marsh Pond Road and Gilford Ave on public land Jim Babcock was seen stopping his pickup truck to throw Norm’s sign into his … Read more
Well, so much for this NFL season for me.
When taking a knee during the National Anthem was a big deal a couple of years ago, I stopped watching the NE Patriots. Sorry but I watch sports as an escape – I gave them my eyeballs and my valuable time to be entertained. I do enough politics the rest of the week so I … Read more
New addition to the ‘Grok “Stealing Campaign Signs” Hall of Shame: Jim Babcock of Gilford Part 3
Recap: Jim Babcock of Gilford stole Grokster Norm Silber’s 2020 NH House campaign sign (corner of Gilford Ave and Salt Marsh Pond road). His license plate was captured and turned into the Gilford Police department. Jim Babcock confessed and retrieved the sign from the woods where he had thrown it. He then tried to use … Read more
Proving Once Again That Journalists Are Mouthpieces for Socialists
We Conservatives want the other side to keep talking and talking and talking – and the Left lives to silence their opponents. It is becoming clear that “journalists” are becoming the shock troops for the socialists Cancel Movement, where only the “approved” speech can be uttered.
US Senator Kamala “Toes Up” Harris: Silence Trump on Twitter.
Yet another Democrat / Socialist demanding that their opponent be deplatformed and silenced. Why is it that the Cancel Movement is almost exclusively driven by those on the Left? …his Twitter account should be suspended. I think there is plenty, of now, evidence to suggest that he is irresponsible with his words in a way … Read more
Nashua Democrat Jan Schmidt’s “Cancel Movement” cancels itself out.
Our hosting site has agreed with me. They are closing the “SHUT GRANITEGROK DOWN” complaint by NH State Rep and Nashua City Alderman Jan Schmidt.
NH Dem Party Chair seeking to silence a Conservative on FB – silences himself (in shame?)
You know, it really doesn’t get much better than this when you’re a blogger. It’s almost too easy when the Other Side keeps on saying, figuratively, “Thank you sir, may I have another” (although I’m cringing as a write this because this is about Ray Buckley. Again).